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International_Ad2867 t1_iyt1213 wrote

Yeah so they're redistricting school zones? I heard this from a JHES teacher and there was some law or another that districts plan and avoid allowing children to cross two lane opposing traffick main roads over a certain width, and the added bike lane on Oakland Mills addressed that concern.

I really don't know the specifics, so for now it's just gossip.


i_live_in_maryland t1_iytboah wrote

They finished a new high school (opening this fall) so they had to re-do districts for that. I haven't seen any evidence the school system cares about the safety of walking children.... they recently decided to stop bus service to more kids who live > 1 mile from their school in order to make them walk.

Back in my day... I didn't have to walk over a mile to school because that's fucking ridiculous.


DefibrillatorKink OP t1_iytffgp wrote

The second I was allowed to practice driving I did it, Maryland is horrible for walkability and pedestrian friendly areas. I luckily had good bus stops for school where I lived, but I knew kids who would have to walk half a mile down sidewalk less roads. I'm also not surprised that they are building another school cause I remember atholton being super crowded and annoying. I don't believe they really care tbh.


emleh t1_iyt1p3k wrote

One of the issues they found in their walkability study for the whole county was that they had to bus students to school, who were otherwise in walking distance. This is a huge burden due to lack of drivers. I think it’s a good thing in general but it has been an annoyance for OMR, particularly because few if any cross that street to get to school.