Submitted by teedotjay39 t3_zoi5yr in ColumbiaMD

Doing my research before I commit to an east coast move from the west coast. I heard MD got “black ice” Thursday, which is a little scary considering I’d have to drive in to work everyday. How often does this weather condition happen? Also, I’m hearing nurses part is lower on the east coast…does the lower cost of living balance this out? Truthful and positive vibes only, thanks!



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RevRagnarok t1_j0n3agk wrote

Cost of living is lower compared to what? NYC? Silicon Valley? Columbia is pretty darned expensive.

Black Ice happens a lot when the road is super cold and it rains. The pretreatment they spray helps a lot but it's really not a huge deal just let off the gas and ride it out.


Bramblinman t1_j0n51ac wrote

We often exaggerate the seriousness of the weather here. It was only rain on Thursday.

I’d say 3-4 times a year there’s a bit of slushy rain/snow. Maybe another 3-4 times straight snow. We rarely get just straight ice but it has happened.

The cost of living in Columbia can be quite high. Depending on where you decide to live.


albrods t1_j0n5t7r wrote

I would ask about policies at hospitals or other locations you are looking at. I have a neighbor in healthcare who sometimes rides out storms near (at?) Her hospital.

We do get some wintry weather, and we get some icy mornings when we get melting during the day and refreeze at night. We also do not spend as much as more northern states on snow/ice removal, as we don't get their frequency of winter weather.

The weather wouldn't be the make it break it for me. Columbia is a suburban city. It is easy to live here day to day if finances allow, but that is a change from your current life visit and decide if the feel is what you want.


Flying-Bulldog t1_j0n6zwn wrote

Black ice can happen anywhere. You gotta watch out for that oppressive white snow


earnt1t t1_j0n9dv6 wrote

Very expensive but very nice place to live and raise a family. The winters are fairly mild overall with little meaningful snow or ice each year maybe 2-5 days worth. Really it’s usually only January-early March where we get super cold days and any potential accumulation


LouismyBoo t1_j0nee96 wrote

If you want to share how much you currently pay for housing and what you make as a nurse at what level, you can probably get the best comparisons


opiusmaximus2 t1_j0nm3b3 wrote

This is a r/maryland question. This sub is dead most of the time. HoCo is very expensive. I had to move from HoCo after growing up there because I can't afford it as a single teacher. Nursing pay is quite good in the area. The cost of living isn't low if you want to live in HoCo. They have a top 5ish school system in the country and people pay for that. Lots of money here. Weather is completely fine. Nothing crazy.


21045Runner t1_j0npm85 wrote

It’s Howard County, which is where Columbia is located. It’s often listen as one of the most affluent counties in the United States. It’s significantly cheaper than Orange County, CA but it’s certainly more expensive that most counties in Maryland with the exception of MoCo (Montgomery County)


CheeCheePuff t1_j0npyh4 wrote

I’ve never had a problem with black ice (I’ve been driving in Columbia for 20+ years). They’re pretty good about salting the roads so it’s usually not an issue, you’d just of course drive slowly and leave extra space in front of you on an icy day. Once or twice a winter snow may be an issue… again they’re good about plowing and such but for a bigger storm it can take time (usually within hours). I’m sure the medical facilities all have policies for how to handle that though.


erasethenoise t1_j0o2vx0 wrote

I’ve heard if the weather is really bad the hospitals send people out in 4 wheel drive vehicles to pick up medical staff if they can’t make it in.


Sure_Comparison6978 t1_j0potlr wrote

Yes, I just moved from Hyattsville. Far more expensive than Columbia…one of the reasons we moved here.

PG County I’m sure has far more poverty than Howard County, which would skew any sort of county wide average. But home values in PG County, especially those closest to DC, have skyrocketed as those areas are gentrifying quickly. This would include Hyattsville, Mt Rainer, College Park, Riverdale, among others.

And your comment about the bad public schools is irrelevant, as most of the affluent families in PG County send their kids to either private or charter schools.

But go on…tell me more about PG County.


Substantial_End6804 t1_j0pq885 wrote

I moved to Columbia from Pasadena, and for the most part its definitely cheaper here (though, as others have said that also often means lower salaries, but not sure of your circumstances). One thing I would note is that at I pay a good bit more in taxes here then I did in LA. I am losing an extra ~$100 a paycheck comparatively.


Wineinmyyetti t1_j0ra64m wrote

Nurse here; grew up in Columbia, I live just south of there and work just on the city line of Baltimore. If you have any questions DM me I can help as best as I can. The weather isn't that bad that you would stress more than once or twice a year getting to work. But def message me!


FineWinePaperCup t1_j0rff2c wrote

FWIW, I think black ice is more of an issue with sidewalks than road. The roads are well treated. But every year I hear of someone who hits a patch of ice walking and wipes out. Happened to me (no injury) a couple times on the Wilde lake path. Looked that wet, was actually frozen wet.