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Temporary_Version240 t1_j1b7ngf wrote

I think outside of the Mall vs. old town, most of the suburbs are very similar. You can be dropped in a neighborhood and you wouldn't necessarily know if you are in Columbia or EC (unless you happen to see the Columbia street names).

I think it really depends on what you are looking for. I actually have lived in both Columbia and EC. Albeit I was only in Columbia for 2 years, but almost 20 years in EC.

Honestly, they might as well be the same town. It's not like there is a border and things just look/feel different once you cross it. If I were to compare them, I guess you can say Columbia is more "urban". You have sort of a "population center" with the mall - high rises, business buildings, etc. EC is more the 'burbs.

Just my opinion of course.


Liakada t1_j1d8n6x wrote

I would add that there is a slight difference between Columbia and EC, whereas Columbia is a little bit more walkable and bikeable within neighborhoods. In Ellicott City a lot of areas don’t even have sidewalks, whereas the majority of Columbia does. In EC, you’ll be lucky if you can walk to an elementary school or playground. In Columbia, you can usually walk or bike to a village center with some stores and amenities, a pool, a playground, an elementary school.

I like that we don’t have to do everything by car. After a certain age the kids can walk to their friends in the neighborhood, can ride the bike to the pool themselves, and can ride to the grocery store to get themselves some snacks and ice cream. If that’s something you like, then Columbia would be the better choice.