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JimboFett87 t1_j4jbaf7 wrote

David, sometimes it's better not to even reply. Not sure why you wasted the energy to type that, as OP was asking a legit question


DavidHobby t1_j4jctiu wrote

I’ve lived in Columbia for 35 years, incl. 20 as a journalist. Not saying it didn’t happen. Just that I’ve never even heard of a drawn-gun road rage incident.

Sorry, but the more I read through the story, the more skeptical I became. Given that, all I said was to expect some skepticism.

And if OP is telling the story exactly as it happened, def. push to get the intersection footage.


JimboFett87 t1_j4je8v8 wrote

Great. I've been here for 20.

I've seen a lot of bad road behavior here in Columbia in this "post pandemic" world. People drive the way they want without consequence, and I've seen a lot of egregious driving in broad daylight, so something like this late at night would not surprise me, given how Columbia is today.

And given OP's engagement in the thread, it would seem to indicate that they want productive feedback. Which your comment absolutely was not.


sirrigfc t1_j4jg734 wrote

well Mr.David, as I cannot prove the drawn weapon besides my own account. I can prove that this individual went in front of me and impaired my ability to drive safely with 2 eye witnesses. The idiot was swerving left and right preventing me from being able to drive. Weather you want to believe it or not. It it not any of my concern if you believe he pulled out a gun as Im aware the chance of him getting charges pressed for it is slim to none so at this point forget about the gun if it makes you feel better. Thank you and have a good evening hope you’re doing better than me!


arfycat t1_j4kmola wrote

Times change. OPs story doesn't surprise me one bit. But I've only been here around 20 years and never worked as a journalist so what do I know.


sirrigfc t1_j4jgup3 wrote

also, if you have anything productive to say it would be appreciated. Crazy how you can sit behind a screen and call b.s. Does it satisfy you to be a skeptic? My family is currently at a financial burden and something like this was a case we couldn’t afford. So please if you’re going to spread assumptions and gossip do it somewhere else. I just need help.


DavidHobby t1_j4jjw36 wrote

I just expressed skepticism.

That said, Columbia is littered with cameras. Most HoCo traffic light intersections have cameras. The HCPD got DHS money 20 years ago because of our proximity to DC post-9/11. We are one of the counties with the most ubiquitous persistent surveillance in the country.

If someone pulled a gun on you at a traffic light, it was probably captured on camera. At the very least, the vehicle and plate probably were. IANAL, but aiming a pistol at someone generally carries a charge of aggravated assault.

The camera footage really would be your only recourse. Push to get you the footage.


Miyayothrowaway t1_j4kuiqm wrote

It’s fair to say you’re skeptical of a kids story, but it’s completely ignorant to use “cause Columbia is so safe” as your reasoning 😂🤔
My friend was held up at the Columbia Exxon and forced to drive a guy back to his trap house….back in ‘09… Also daily drug, gun, and police activity in the family friendly neighborhood that I lived in for 7 years in Oakland mills….

But I would never use that as evidence that Columbia is UNsafe because anecdotal evidence etc etc.

I hope these comments have been a reality check that not everybody discloses their experiences to the police/journalists lol.


DavidHobby t1_j4n9zdd wrote

I wasn’t replying to the OP’s post in that response. I was replying to another person’s characterization of “the way Columbia is now,” (or something to that effect.)

The “safest city in the country” thing is pretty much a meaningless story. That said, crime records are public information, and much-scrutinized.

By nearly nearly every metric, Columbia is in 2023 a remarkably safe place for a city of 100k.

Sorry if I was confusing. And sorry for your friend’s experience in 2009.


possum_mouf t1_j4kf487 wrote

So you think OP — let me get this straight — drove into a ditch for no reason? Maybe even for fun? Erratic and aggressive drivers are a VERY common problem here. Have you been on the road lately?