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DavidHobby t1_j4iwrzs wrote

Will preface this by saying that I don’t know you. So, your personal level of character isn’t available to me to either buttress or impugn your story.

All I would say, having read the story on its own, is to anticipate some skepticism.


Metzger4Sheriff t1_j4ix6ih wrote

Not sure how insurance will determine whether the damage is covered or not, but if you’re an employee of the company that the vehicle was insured under, then it shouldn’t matter that you were the driver and not your mom—car insurance covers cars, not drivers, and generally any employees driving a car insured under a commercial policy are covered drivers.

Sorry this happened— sounds like it was a really scary situation and now you’ve got this headache. I hope the insurance can give you some good news.


lyss9876 t1_j4iyk3a wrote

So this is really two issues, the insurance piece and the madman with a gun piece:

Insurance: IDK what kind of insurance policy your mom chose to have on the car, but the fact that you were driving it in general would not negate the policy. So file the insurance claim, provide the police report, and see how it shakes out. Since the other driver did not make physical contact with your car, I would bet on it being ruled a single-car at-fault accident on your part. r/legaladvice can give more thoughts on this part. Sucks, but that is not the end of the world, and is literally what insurance is for (insurance will still cover at-fault accidents, but your mom's rates might go up). Even if police do find the other driver, I wouldn't exactly count on someone that dumb having the forethought to get his own insurance anyway, so it's likely that your insurance will be the one footing the bill regardless of the at-fault finding.

Onto the madman with a gun piece: If this happened as described, then please do your part to get this guy off the streets. So make sure there are TWO police reports filed, 1 for the accident and 2 for the threatening with weapon. When the police say they need a subpoena to get the cameras, do they mean redlight cameras, or surveillance cams from local businesses? It might be worth going to the local businesses you passed, explaining what happened, and asking if any of them are willing to share their footage with police.

It's not OK that this happened, and I hope they find the guy.


sirrigfc t1_j4izcjz wrote

Thank you so much, we’re going to file tomorrow and see what happens. As far as the subpoena they said it was for the red light cameras as we were on the highway. One of my coworkers who was behind me said the guy continued on to 175 so i’m not sure where he ended up or where he came from. We never passed any local businesses but I doubt the red light cameras will be enough as the cops told me they were awful for getting plates.

Also, what I understand is you’re saying i should file a new report that i was threatened with a weapon? However, I believe it was added on to the original report from last night at the scene.


Metzger4Sheriff t1_j4izh35 wrote

Commercial just means for businesses. If it’s not commercial, then it would be personal, and you should still be covered as long as your mom gave you permission to drive the car. Idk how the insurance will view the circumstances, but bottom line is that it shouldn’t make a difference that you were the one driving.


Metzger4Sheriff t1_j4j27bj wrote

Don’t lie. I’m not an expert, but some personal use (like driving home from work) is usually covered in commercial policies. If it’s not, then you’re unfortunately out of luck, but consequences will amount to having to figure out another way to pay for repairs/replacement car. Consequences of lying to an insurance company are being denied any auto insurance in the future, getting fines, and facing criminal charges. Do not lie— no matter how small it seems.


DavidHobby t1_j4jctiu wrote

I’ve lived in Columbia for 35 years, incl. 20 as a journalist. Not saying it didn’t happen. Just that I’ve never even heard of a drawn-gun road rage incident.

Sorry, but the more I read through the story, the more skeptical I became. Given that, all I said was to expect some skepticism.

And if OP is telling the story exactly as it happened, def. push to get the intersection footage.


JimboFett87 t1_j4je8v8 wrote

Great. I've been here for 20.

I've seen a lot of bad road behavior here in Columbia in this "post pandemic" world. People drive the way they want without consequence, and I've seen a lot of egregious driving in broad daylight, so something like this late at night would not surprise me, given how Columbia is today.

And given OP's engagement in the thread, it would seem to indicate that they want productive feedback. Which your comment absolutely was not.


DavidHobby t1_j4jffc9 wrote

[Edit: sorry, I think this reply landed in the wrong place. Was meaning to reply to a “Given how Columbia is today” characterization.]

Generally speaking, Columbia is not a dangerous city.


sirrigfc t1_j4jg734 wrote

well Mr.David, as I cannot prove the drawn weapon besides my own account. I can prove that this individual went in front of me and impaired my ability to drive safely with 2 eye witnesses. The idiot was swerving left and right preventing me from being able to drive. Weather you want to believe it or not. It it not any of my concern if you believe he pulled out a gun as Im aware the chance of him getting charges pressed for it is slim to none so at this point forget about the gun if it makes you feel better. Thank you and have a good evening hope you’re doing better than me!


sirrigfc t1_j4jgup3 wrote

also, if you have anything productive to say it would be appreciated. Crazy how you can sit behind a screen and call b.s. Does it satisfy you to be a skeptic? My family is currently at a financial burden and something like this was a case we couldn’t afford. So please if you’re going to spread assumptions and gossip do it somewhere else. I just need help.


DavidHobby t1_j4jjw36 wrote

I just expressed skepticism.

That said, Columbia is littered with cameras. Most HoCo traffic light intersections have cameras. The HCPD got DHS money 20 years ago because of our proximity to DC post-9/11. We are one of the counties with the most ubiquitous persistent surveillance in the country.

If someone pulled a gun on you at a traffic light, it was probably captured on camera. At the very least, the vehicle and plate probably were. IANAL, but aiming a pistol at someone generally carries a charge of aggravated assault.

The camera footage really would be your only recourse. Push to get you the footage.


ligsj t1_j4jo9wo wrote

I’m really sorry to hear that happened. Glad you’re ok. Any idea what kind of car the suspect was driving? Make/model/color?


possum_mouf t1_j4kf487 wrote

So you think OP — let me get this straight — drove into a ditch for no reason? Maybe even for fun? Erratic and aggressive drivers are a VERY common problem here. Have you been on the road lately?


possum_mouf t1_j4kf9vq wrote

So because OP didn’t get shot or hit (because there was no crime recorded as being officially committed) there wasn’t a terrible human on the road. Got it. You must be a hoot at parties.

Frankly dude, everything you’ve done and said just proves the point that there are, in fact, arrogant and unempathetic people here. At least one, anyway.


Miyayothrowaway t1_j4kuiqm wrote

It’s fair to say you’re skeptical of a kids story, but it’s completely ignorant to use “cause Columbia is so safe” as your reasoning 😂🤔
My friend was held up at the Columbia Exxon and forced to drive a guy back to his trap house….back in ‘09… Also daily drug, gun, and police activity in the family friendly neighborhood that I lived in for 7 years in Oakland mills….

But I would never use that as evidence that Columbia is UNsafe because anecdotal evidence etc etc.

I hope these comments have been a reality check that not everybody discloses their experiences to the police/journalists lol.


Exact-Specialist9329 t1_j4lscdw wrote

Very sorry you’ve experienced this. Also very sorry that ducking and fleeing was your only recourse while having a gun pointed at you.

This is a wonderful example of a time where proper training and legally carrying a firearm would have been advantageous. Police can’t be everywhere all the time and even in Columbia (one of the safest places in the country) things like this can happen. No matter how safe you “feel” in your day to day life, the reality is YOU are solely responsible for your safety.


Thin_Bug_6405 t1_j4m2jld wrote

I’ve lived in Baltimore and moved to Columbia in august. The drivers over here are way more aggressive. I’ve had several road rage incidents happen to me or I’ve witnessed. Idk why Columbia drivers are much worse than Baltimore


DavidHobby t1_j4n9zdd wrote

I wasn’t replying to the OP’s post in that response. I was replying to another person’s characterization of “the way Columbia is now,” (or something to that effect.)

The “safest city in the country” thing is pretty much a meaningless story. That said, crime records are public information, and much-scrutinized.

By nearly nearly every metric, Columbia is in 2023 a remarkably safe place for a city of 100k.

Sorry if I was confusing. And sorry for your friend’s experience in 2009.


Professional_Angle t1_j5orlhq wrote

I am with you lol - this screams "I was driving like an idiot in my mom's car, totally fucked up, made up this outlandish story, ill post it on the internet so it looks like there's no way I made it up" to me. The story completely disregards any reason this person pulling up would be mad enough to pull a weapon. Sure people are crazy and don't need a reason but idk man lol