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imani_TqiynAZU t1_j51rybw wrote

I have two dogs (both 60+ pounds) and a split rail fence. So far, no problems and I've been in this house for over two years. The owner before me also had a fairly large dog with no problems.


I recommend buying a house that already had a fence, whether in Columbia or Ellicott City. This saved me some hassle.


AKnitWit777 t1_j51wp7n wrote

That's a really good point--there are homes in Columbia and EC that already have fences. If you find a house with a fence, either the fence has already approved or it will be the seller's problem to get it approved.


kris10185 OP t1_j520sbc wrote

A lot of the ones we have looked at don't have them at all or they aren't sufficient for our needs. It's harder than it sounds to find one with a fence already built, we've only seen maybe 3 out of the 40-50 houses we've toured!


kris10185 OP t1_j51zth0 wrote

What HOA are you in? Is the fence 6ft?


imani_TqiynAZU t1_j52fmqh wrote

I live in the Jeffers Hill neighborhood, part of Long Reach. I have no idea which HOA I'm in, because I've never had to deal with them.