Submitted by JDommu t3_10m4woy in ColumbiaMD

The following is a joint statement from Lakey Boyd and CA's Board of Directors. There will be no further comments at this time.

The Columbia Association Board of Directors announced today that it has accepted the resignation of Lakey Boyd as President and CEO effective immediately. The Board thanks Lakey for her service and contributions and wishes her well in the future.



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Mar-Civac t1_j618pzu wrote

Her Lawsuit against CA and each board member for hostile work environment is going to be epic. The documents and email drops are going to be amazing at how disfunctional and awful the CA board really is.


seekingpolaris t1_j61upxl wrote

Has she said she's suing or you just saying she has a case?


Mar-Civac t1_j625ki1 wrote

I’m suggesting she has more then a fair case.


acedelaf t1_j610end wrote

> The Board thanks Lakey for her service and contributions and wishes her well in the future.

I hate the fakeness of this statement


rkdwd t1_j616z7u wrote

Board meeting is tonight. Go watch the chaos unfold and vote these chumps out.


ArunawayNERD t1_j617ztz wrote

Sure is interesting how this and the last announcement (I think) were made after the resident speak out signup window had closed


ylime32 t1_j61lziy wrote

I can’t believe I was so stupid to think they’d let her do her job. Thankfully, I look at the advancing age of several board members, certainly closer to their last years than their first, and I can hope their service is soon at an end, through new election or death. I hope a lawsuit ages them further.


[deleted] t1_j61kx5z wrote



Southern-Score2223 t1_j628rpn wrote

In this sub search CA dispute or similar terms. There's a remarkably detailed account of the whole story


dirtycrabcakes t1_j63olmf wrote

At this point, knowing the shit-show they would be walking into, I’m going to have serious difficulty trusting the the judgement of our next CA President. What rational human being would want to work under this board?


tribecalledchef t1_j64utz8 wrote

That's the point. They wanted the power in their hands, they don't want a president asking why.


SCLSU-Mud-Dogs t1_j63xt6a wrote

Can someone explain how this may impact the normal person's everyday life? As long as my card still works at the Gym, the pools in the summer, the trails are maintained to go running and the tennis courts are lit I'm a happy camper.

Edit: This wasn't rhetorical, I am genuinely curious how this is going to impact day to day life for a very average CA member.


zmnatz t1_j647jde wrote

More of your dues will go towards potential legal fees and less will go towards those services you mention.


SCLSU-Mud-Dogs t1_j647ros wrote

Well that sucks, guess Supreme isn't replacing Barbells anytime soon.


zmnatz t1_j648byl wrote

Don't worry, I'm sure they'll come up with another pointless renovation to close down a large section of the gym for months at a time and then raise membership prices another $5/month

  • Closing the free weight area for several months, then the cardio area, then taking away the stretching area (for Tribe Fit paid classes) then the bathroom renovation is why I stopped going there ;)

SCLSU-Mud-Dogs t1_j648qx1 wrote

Oh joy. I grew up here, moved to Baltimore right after college spent my 20's living in the city and have just moved back for suburban life can't wait for stuff like that to happen...


zmnatz t1_j64a9li wrote

Chiseled is across the street and an amazing facility. Colosseum, same thing. Or just start building a homegym :D


mathwhiz2097 t1_j6606qb wrote

I am new to Columbia and have been trying to follow everything that’s gone down regarding the board and the president. I know that the board is elected, but are they paid positions (and same question for the president)?


goliebs t1_j673960 wrote

Board members are not paid (arguably, they should be); although they do receive free CA memberships. The President/CEO is a full time position and is paid.

And to be clear, while there are elections for board seats, many current board members were seated in uncontested elections or were appointed without an election due to a vacancy.