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jules9687 t1_j6hexsg wrote

Thirding the carrot cake at Roots/Great Sage. FYI, they are both at the same location, part of "Conscious Corner." Great Sage always has the carrot cake, and Roots always has the cupcakes in stock, though for whatever reason I like the cake a bit more. But, like someone else said, Roots does catering/custom orders so I'm sure they can get you a full cake.


IsmeeKhay OP t1_j6kpmrv wrote

This is awesome! Thank you so much. Why do you like the cake over the cupcakes? Is it a texture or taste thing?


jules9687 t1_j6kroew wrote

I'm pretty sure they come from the same bakery, so it's gotta be a frosting/cake ratio thing, and I like more frosting throughout. Both are really good though, so you can't go wrong with either. The cake was my favorite carrot cake before I discovered my gluten issues too.

Also, if you do end up at Roots for GF goodies, make sure to grab one of their oatmeal whoopie pies. They have a bunch of other wheat-free options, but the whoopie pie and carrot (cup)cake are my go-to sweets there.


IsmeeKhay OP t1_j6kwtgu wrote

Ah, okay! I totally get the frosting thing. Thanks for the breakdown. It’s pretty reassuring that you enjoyed the cake before a gluten intolerance.

And thank you for tip about the whoopie pies! We like sweets in this house, but it has been hard to find ones that are tasty enough for him. So I love that it seems we have an outlet to try new things.


jules9687 t1_j6kz38u wrote

So many options to explore at Roots! You sound like a good mom :-)