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FavoriteSocks OP t1_j6kta5h wrote

It's not so much always what they post, it's the fact that they have such a huge following and many of those followers are a bit unhinged. Teachers and librarians have gotten death threats after being seen on that account.

I have a kid in HCPSS and I don't want anyone from outside of the county weighing in on what my kid can or cannot read. This is just going to become a complete shitshow.


[deleted] t1_j6kztdq wrote



Zamaamiro t1_j6l4f8h wrote

You’re full of shit.


[deleted] t1_j6l4jgk wrote



Zamaamiro t1_j6l4lr8 wrote

Can’t reason yourself out of a position you never reasoned yourself into.


[deleted] t1_j6l4tc6 wrote



Zamaamiro t1_j6l50uu wrote

I only insult people on the basis that they are disingenuous morons. These people are out here spewing hate on the basis of sexual orientation. Try again.


Wjbskinsfan t1_j6l48v9 wrote

I’m an hcpss teacher and I don’t want people from outside my he county having a say either. I just find it a bit weird that people get mad at the person reposting what others have shared and not the person who originally posted it. It seems to me like the libs of TikTok account only shares things others have posted saying “check out what this person posted”. Like, if you don’t want people seeing what you posted, it probably shouldn’t have been posted at all.

Does that make sense or did I totally miss anything?


FavoriteSocks OP t1_j6l5e6q wrote

I think it's pretty disingenuous to pretend that the the Libs of Tik Tok account with its millions of followers, followers who have been known to send death threats to people that they accuse of "grooming" isn't aware of the consequences of reposting what they do. Especially with their editorial commentary. I have no idea of the context of that original post, but I do know the context of the repost.


Wjbskinsfan t1_j6l6pyz wrote

The context of the repost was hey, look at this post from HCPSS and this book that highlighted. Again, if you don’t like people knowing about what’s being said then it probably shouldn’t have been put on the internet in the first place.

Like, if someone posts a video saying all members of a certain ethnic group are evil am I the asshole for reposting it saying “check out what this person said”?


FavoriteSocks OP t1_j6l86kl wrote

Well hopefully none of your coworkers receive death threats by people who had never heard of HCPSS until they saw the post on Libs of Tik Tok.


plasticutensils t1_j6l63hh wrote

Just out of curiosity, they don't happen to only allow people who are Howard County residents to only attend?


Wjbskinsfan t1_j6l7li1 wrote

I believe so, although I myself have never been so I can’t be 100% certain. If they do let other people attend I’m sure they wouldn’t be allowed to speak.


[deleted] t1_j6l520l wrote



Wjbskinsfan t1_j6l5z6q wrote

Yes but did you see what kind of TikTok actually posted? They literally just shared a post from hcpss. If they didn’t want people seeing it they shouldn’t have posted it in the first place.


eye_can_do_that t1_j6l9zwe wrote

They did't share a tweet from hcpss , they shared a tweet from a parent that was complaining about their kid's libray; although, we don't know if the 'parent' staged the photo or if it is even an hcpss parent.


Wjbskinsfan t1_j6lduta wrote

Most parents aren’t allowed in schools right now because of covid restrictions. The ones that are can only go with an employee and aren’t allowed to take pictures. That photo came from hcpss. Whether it was from the official hcpss account or an account from one of the schools run by the media specialist I don’t know but it wasn’t from a parent.


eye_can_do_that t1_j6mlgnl wrote

Parents are limited during school hours. After school activities use the school, including media room, every day. I am in my kid's hcpss school's media room once a week for scouts and could easily rearrange a shelf to stage a photo. I am not saying this photo is staged, but something seems off about it. I doubt it was a school official because they were complaining about it, but again, there isn't a great way of knowing for sure.


[deleted] t1_j6l64ue wrote

I’m agreeing with you…not sure why you’re arguing with me…or am I misunderstanding?


Wjbskinsfan t1_j6l70kh wrote

No, sorry. I misunderstood. I thought you were saying something different. My bad.


[deleted] t1_j6l7rdw wrote

All good, it’s hard sometimes, I’ve done it plenty