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nosayso t1_j6ktb8z wrote

They intentionally brigade the targets of their posts with an overwhelming amount of hate online and in person. Teacher and librarians have regularly gotten death threats after being targeted by the account in the same fashion that they just targeted HCPSS.


Wjbskinsfan t1_j6l3m5k wrote

Okay, but my point is libs of TikTok don’t actually create content. They only repost content that other people posted. If a racist posts a video of themselves saying all people of a certain race are evil and I repost that video saying “check out what this person said” is the hate that person gets my fault or theirs for saying racist things in the first place?


TotalHell t1_j6lhrs8 wrote

Ok, now what if you were part of an interracial couple and you posted a picture of you and your partner having just gotten married, smiling for the camera. And then a white supremacist social media account retweets it saying “Look at this marriage that happened today…” And suddenly you and your partner find yourself getting nasty messages and threats.

The white supremacist account merely reposted it telling people to take a look. Are you saying that you are at fault here because you posted the original content?

The account knows what it’s doing. It’s sharing things to rile up its audience. That should be obvious. Context IS content, and context includes audience and purpose.


mysteryweapon t1_j6lzdjq wrote

> If I repost racist content and reframe it, subtly, as "but maybe they have a point!"

You're a fucking racist too, and fuck off


Wjbskinsfan t1_j6mt85u wrote

So pointing out that Donald Trump says racist things makes me a racist?
