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Sure_Comparison6978 t1_j8atbx1 wrote

There are UFOs being shot out of the sky, I honestly could care less about a guy entertaining people by pretending to play a violin. Someone definitely ought to play a little violin just for you.


DanielLikesPlants t1_j8ban5d wrote

you can care about multiple things. Personally, i care that they are taking advantage of people wanting to support someone in need. They are lying and scamming. But i guess your cool with that because they have a speaker that plays stock violin music lol. They aren’t doing it to entertain people, are you daft.


setho212 t1_j8cfuh7 wrote

How do you know he is not in need? Does the fact that he can or cannot play the violin have any correlation with his financial situation? The way I see it, someone would have to be pretty hard up to choose to rely on the generosity of strangers by standing outside a grocery store whether they can actually play an instrument or not.


DanielLikesPlants t1_j8d8ly3 wrote

people who do these grifts make money off of it. good money too, because generous strangers give money thinking exactly what you are thinking. Thats why they do it. it makes as much as a job.

Also, hes tricking people into thinking he is providing a free service; playing live music on a very difficult classical instrument. Which he is not. So if they tip for that, they were scammed.