Submitted by isthisavailable t3_111kheb in ColumbiaMD

Curious on your all's thoughts on dog poop not getting picked up in the grass on the side of the paths in the woods. I have seen more and more poop on the side of the paths recently and it really bugs me, but it's also really close to the edge of the woods so I don't know if I'm getting irrationally upset. Thoughts?



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AKnitWit777 t1_j8f7xld wrote

For real? It's disgusting, and I am a dog owner. It takes literally seconds to clean up and if you do it right, you won't get any poop on your hand when you clean up.


vButts t1_j8o945t wrote

Plus my dog LOVES to sniff other dog's poop, so we have to stay extra vigilant during walks


Youre_A_Towel----- t1_j8faiuk wrote

I have one of those doggie poop stations near my house that I frequently walk by. You’d be surprised how often I see piles of shit literally right next to the trashcan where there are always free plastic bags stocked up in the dispenser. It’s ridiculous, some people around here just suck. It’s a losing battle


blorbschploble t1_j8gorz3 wrote

The dog owners are bad but the deer owners are something else.


michellefromtx t1_j8fzcjo wrote

I'm in Wilde Lake. I've started to put up little flags with shaming poop statements on it because I'm tired of stepping on land mines when it's dark out. Also, it's just gross and part of being a responsible dog owner. Yes, it would be a whole lot quicker if I just picked up the dog poop I see along the walk with my dog....but it's the principle!

One neighbor of mine called out another neighbor who didn't pick up their dog's poop and was told off. Honestly, some people think that if no one is watching, then it's OK. Others give two shits if we're watching or not. They literally do not care.


YellowBlush t1_j8i3dj1 wrote

I️ love seeing notes and flags! Thank you for that!


obidamnkenobi t1_j8g36y1 wrote

Even if it's "in the woods" dog shit should be picked up. There are far too many dogs in concentrated area, and their diets have too much unnatural crap in it (not to mention nasty germs), for their poop to left anywhere. You own a dog, you pick it up.


anxiousoryx t1_j8gdzm9 wrote

Yeah not everyone is good about parasite prevention and regular vet visits…not to mention some other dogs may have coprophagia.


[deleted] t1_j8fxb9n wrote



throway35885328 t1_j8io0lj wrote

What do the flags accomplish if the poop is already there and the pooper is gone?


MrQuint1975 t1_j8fz2o6 wrote

Ugh. Even on the side paths, people should pick up. Sometimes runners/walkers have to go off a bit to one side to avoid bikes, pass people, etc. If it's well off the path, probably not a huge deal, but if it's clearly visible when walking, I would say pick it up!


anxiousoryx t1_j8gdqrs wrote

It’s gross. It should be picked up. I have two dogs and I think it’s my responsibility to clean up after them. I would feel awful if someone’s hike or walk or park day was sidelined by stepping in some stinky poo.


AntcuFaalb t1_j8igot7 wrote

I had to put a huge trail camera on the front of the townhouse I'm renting out because one of the neighbors was just letting their elderly dog shit everywhere, daily, and not picking it up.


kaypiob t1_j8hqej9 wrote

One of the reasons I could never own a dog, as much as I love them. I couldn't handle the poop. It's definitely a dog owner's responsibility to pick up after their dogs.


vButts t1_j8o8yyp wrote

Yes. We originally wanted a medium sized dog but having a small dog is nice because the bigger the dog the bigger the poop


AntcuFaalb t1_j8igwae wrote

I don't get it either. If you don't plan to pick up the poop, then don't get a dog! It's that easy.


Remote_Debate_9846 t1_j8gfg18 wrote

This considered natural fertilizer for the grass that would help us all see that green shiny grass on the summer. Add on that its dogs nature. For instance if you ever feels the need to go to the rest room you might find near by Macdonald dogs can’t.

Other than that it might help reduce the planet temperature as well and would save the next generation.

