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brch01 t1_jacyhaw wrote

No options, maybe they’ll get bored of riding soon and won’t bother you anymore. Maybe not. Can’t control what other people do


Exciting-Rub-6006 t1_jactl43 wrote

Sounds like you might be shit outta luck my friend

anyone reading this surely feels for you.

Dealing with the random loud muffler or crotch rocket at 2 am while shitty it’s sporadic and isolated.

Those varoom varoom sounds all day on my weekend?

Fuck no, I feel for you


Sure_Comparison6978 t1_jad1tki wrote

These comments make it sound like driving around in your yard with an ATV is the norm…where have I been?


DavidHobby t1_jadgms5 wrote

Live and let live. You don’t have a right to silence, so you can’t just cancel the kid.

That said, you can easily cancel (most of) the noise. Get a decent pair of active noise-cancelling headphones. (I recommend Anker Q20+, at $69.99 on Amazon, as a solid budget option.)

Then use that morning time as your signal to listen to music or podcasts or whatever. Turn a bug into a feature with some self-centered quality time.


freecain t1_jad708s wrote

Large privacy fence designed for noise reduction?


JimboFett87 t1_jaesqye wrote

So I can comment about this, as I had a neighbor run a generator in their yard for over a week after they failed to pay the electrical bill.

You are pretty much SOL during daylight hours, unfortunately. The only time the after hours effect comes into play is after 10 PM, and at that point the police have to measure the sound from a specific distance from your house with a calibrated instrument.

So unless they run them after 10PM, there's not much you can do from any authorities.


bubbadyl999 t1_jaeo3nx wrote

I hear them too and I work nights. To say I was really mad is an I understatement!!!


toothpickslacroix t1_jadwvhn wrote

The only thing you can control is yourself, and one thing you can do to better your situation is get a pair of noise cancelling headphones or ear plugs. The kids will eventually grow out of being interested in the ATVs.


thetaurean t1_jacv68i wrote

I doubt the noise level exceeds any ordinance unless the ATV is modified.

I empathize with your situation but you are being bitter and controlling. Let the kid have fun on weekends, you can't control the outdoors and people are well within their rights to make noise during the day.

Move to a gated community or buy land in the middle of nowhere for the extent of control you're looking for. Play some music, go outside, watch TV, literally anything for the few hours a weekend that kid rides around. Or watch through your blinds and get angry.


arbitraryberry_ t1_jad1c68 wrote

Let people have fun. My gosh. I'd hate to be your neighbor. Get one yourself and join in the fun. You sound like you need it


throway35885328 t1_jad5r6o wrote

What to do? Let kids be kids, that’s what. Are they riding at 2am? Probably not.

Also are they riding under your windows, or are they riding in their yard on their own property? The fact that you included both in your post answers my question, and tells me a lot about you.


H8threeH8three t1_jadqi5s wrote

You used to be cool, man. What happened to you? You became the man… management, corporate even. The grumpy old bastard that gets mad when kids make memories and actively wants to end their fun. Go down to DC and get some shrooms for god’s sake. You need to find yourself again.


Sure_Comparison6978 t1_jadrxiv wrote

Lol, I literally had to check to see if I was still in the Columbia sub. Since when did things get so edgy?