Submitted by JuiceOld5801 t3_11u4bdl in Connecticut

Coming home from work at around 450pm on 91N between exit 24 and 23 a white bmw going 100+ easy, went from the left hand lane to the right (4 lanes of traffic) with no signal, inches from hitting me. Less than 10 seconds later, I see a state cop speed trap. BMW going faster than I’ve ever seen (and that’s saying something these days) didn’t even slow down. Cop didn’t go after it, just stayed their while people drive like maniacs. I’m so over this, I’ve never felt so unsafe on the roads, the fear of not being able to control idiots like this BMW, or Altima or civic (fill in the blank) blatantly driving recklessly just makes me lose any faith I had in the state police. They’re out enforcing one weekend and gone for the next month. It’s infuriating.



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FoolsGold45 t1_jcmb13o wrote

Just left work, turned left at a light as I had a green arrow to do so, another car comes FLYING in at full speed from my right without even slowing down at the intersection, then has the nerve to honk at ME when I hit the brakes to avoid a collision. Fucking idiots out there right now, I'm sure today's normalized binge drinking isn't helping.


The-KarmaHunter t1_jcneyg1 wrote

Nearly the same thing happened to me. Turning left at at a light, have a green arrow. Just get a weird feeling and decide to stop for a second before going. Some black SUV easily going 50/60 MPH in a 35 barrels through the red light to my left. Narrowly misses me.

Few years back in college at UConn, I was biking on campus. I had the walk symbol at a crosswalk and start to cross when a UCONN BUS no less runs the red light and nearly runs me over.

Infuriating the absolute carelessness of drivers in this state.


charmed_fandomgal t1_jcngvl2 wrote

It surprises me how the uconn bus drivers never hit anyone


sundaze t1_jco0yjf wrote

When I was a student there a student was hit and killed by a UConn bus, which was driven by a student. I don't think it was the driver's fault though, if I'm remembering correctly.


Phantastic_Elastic t1_jcpbmdh wrote

UConn pedestrian fatality is as old a tradition as that fucking rock they paint on.


rfunaro6 t1_jcnc5sz wrote

Yikes that’s so damn scary glad you are okay. But yeah the damn nerve of them when clearly ran a red long after you had a green


ButtBlock t1_jcnrbxe wrote

That’s the thing… these people are assholes. But they’re also recklessly endangering lives. And when they get injured and injure others we call it “an accident.” Nah man that’s vehicular assault as far as I’m concerned.


reboog711 t1_jcosvb2 wrote

> I'm sure today's normalized binge drinking isn't helping.

What past times are we comparing binge drinking to?


SamuraiPanda19 t1_jcouq56 wrote

Meanwhile real statistics show people are drinking less today than in the past


FoolsGold45 t1_jcpexot wrote

I meant "today" as in the specific day that I posted this, it was St Patty's day


PaulterJ t1_jcmn4ok wrote

I see troopers doing it just about everyday.
No lights/sirens Sometimes texting or using their laptops.

Rarely use their signal and drive extremely agressive.

So why shouldn't everyone else.
Rules for thee. Not for me.


NateJTB t1_jcn6oyz wrote

The thing is, if a trooper hits you (it's very very rare) they're covered by insurance and you'll be paid for damages. This is not always the case with an uninsured reckless driver.


Aaron351 t1_jcnfkrb wrote

I don’t really care. They need to cut the shit.


daybeers t1_jco56wq wrote

So it's okay for them to drive recklessly because they have good insurance?


PaulterJ t1_jcor477 wrote

How many of PAC stickers and plate medallions u rockin?


[deleted] t1_jcqjyz3 wrote

I have insurance. So by your logic, I can do 90 while using a laptop and weaving through heavy traffic?


Chemical_Ad7629 t1_jcmmydp wrote

Don’t bring my beloved civic into this. It takes at least 4 minutes to get it up to three digits.


tigole_biddies t1_jcnn4rk wrote

Thank you. We civics have had enough of the slander. We are no longer fast and loud. We are slow and reliable.


lemmegetadab t1_jcosnxn wrote

They always were slow, they just have race variations and people make adjustments to them.


othermegan t1_jcnu3br wrote

Unless it’s a mugen. But I doubt that’s the car in question


TheTowerBard t1_jcni915 wrote

A couple weeks ago I was in the same area headed the same way and was passed by two cars that were clearly racing each other. I was doing 80+ myself in the middle lane and they flew by me, one on each side, at the same time going insanely fast. A second later a state cop goes speeding by. I literally started cheering for second 🤦‍♂️ but then all the state cop did was start aggressively tailgating people themselves and completely ignored the racers. I genuinely couldn’t believe. I still can’t. It was so blatant. The police have truly given up on all road safety enforcement.


Maximum-Application2 t1_jcnl665 wrote

The cops know they cannot safely catch them. They hope the person slows down sooner, rather than later - as they would while being chased. I don't condone it but i know more accidents are due distracted drivers with their face in their screens.


Phantastic_Elastic t1_jcpair8 wrote

"Speeding was a factor in 29% of all traffic fatalities in 2020, killing 11,258, or an average of over 30 people per day. The total number of fatal motor-vehicle crashes attributable to speeding was 10,136."

That's bad enough to be upset about anyway. I think the police should do their job, protect public safety, or lose their job.


KaladinsDad t1_jcpdbsc wrote

As long as only the speeders die, seems like an effective solution. (sarcasm, maybe.)


[deleted] t1_jcmme3y wrote



saltyslothy t1_jcmn6a3 wrote

Ya my car got stolen and the cops saw the whole thing. They weren’t allowed to pursue. Instead they just came to my door and woke me up at 2:30 in the morning to let me know. It sucks.


mkt853 t1_jcmw2p3 wrote

There are videos of pursuits almost weekly on local news. I mean clearly based on video evidence they are allowed to pursue.


saltyslothy t1_jcmy1dt wrote

Just reporting what the police officer told me when he came to my house. It’s not their fault, it’s whatever’s going on right now that’s not allowing my town to get them.


TheTowerBard t1_jcnirhp wrote

The thing is… cops lie. All the time. Constantly. About everything.


Aaron351 t1_jcng8ue wrote

You don’t deserve to be downvoted. They would do us a favor by staying home. The same amount of work would be done.


DOOMSDAYP3PPER t1_jcnjcba wrote

Somebody poured motor oil down the storm drain across the street from my house. I called to report it they said somebody would check it out and no one ever did.


Justagreewithme t1_jcnrf6g wrote

How long were you staring at the storm drain? The police involvement is limited to notifying DEEP. If/how/when DEEP responds is up to them. It’s usually not immediate.


DOOMSDAYP3PPER t1_jcoz3jr wrote

That’s the wonderful part about technology, I don’t have to sit there and stare at it.


PorgCT t1_jcnikf5 wrote

I’ve stopped running on local roads because I know I am going to be killed by a driver, and the cops won’t do a damn thing about it


lemmegetadab t1_jcosjtz wrote

People honestly shouldn’t be running on the road anyway. We need more trails and running lanes.


DecayingExponential t1_jcmqsu5 wrote

It’s out of control. Every time I’m on the road I see someone blowing a red or doing 20+ mph over. It’s constantly getting worse because there’s simply no law enforcement. What the hell can we do about this?


rfunaro6 t1_jcncbss wrote

Overall behaviors and attitudes of drivers have gotten so much worse since the pandemic and sadly continue to do so. I swear it wasn’t this bad before pre pandemic.


Aaron351 t1_jcnfwpq wrote

You’re not wrong. All of our insurance rates are going up because of post pandemic driving stupidity. It’s all selfishness, me first/I’m the only person on the road mentality that’s driving the unsafe behavior and increased accident rates.


Sea_Release_1170 t1_jcntzh4 wrote

Agreed, paying $372.00 for 2021 Honda CRV even with all discounts included.


Jaggar345 t1_jcqlqub wrote

A month?


Sea_Release_1170 t1_jcrumvk wrote

Yes, in Hartford. During pandemic it was super cheap $128 then it rose by jan 2023 the price now at $372 a month. Like most insurance agents, they would tell you that it's the area and overall safety of where your vehicle would be parked.


Jaggar345 t1_jctftfv wrote

You need to shop that around. I work in insurance those are rates we see for new drivers or drivers with lots of tickets and accidents.


Sea_Release_1170 t1_jctithe wrote


yeah, at this time without discounts or using snapshot device, it is higher. In the past with old car, the number of claims also hurt as well. I learned one lesson about insurance is be quiet and pay out of pocket. Unfortunately, that price is the asking price for my location. Using a snapshot device also helps for individual rates. Unless I move to a cheaper rates town then yeah I could get it cheaper.


shankyu1985 t1_jcohzft wrote

According to the dot there was a dip during the pandemic for obvious reasons but afterward it just went back to "normal".


Nigel_IncubatorJones t1_jcnbvjj wrote

Yes, people are constantly going through lights after they turn red, usually with another car behind them. It's ridiculous how bad it has gotten.


kaw027 t1_jcnwclx wrote

I see people run reds regularly now. I’ve started seeing people just take lefts on red (no green arrow) so keep an eye out for that too I guess…


WheredMyBrainsGo t1_jdzhj19 wrote

Honestly doing 20 mph over as long as it is on the highway is fine as long as you aren’t being an asshole and swerving around people. On local roads absolutely it is a problem.


MrMeritocracy t1_jcmjxmn wrote

The state and local governments in CT desperately need to be overhauled and modernized.


afapracing t1_jcn098s wrote

There were multiple speeding cars with snow and ice on them on 91S in Windsor Locks Wednesday morning…cop grabs the completely snow free clapped out BMW mid-pack.

Sooo sometimes they get a BMW but as usual they do a pretty poor job lol

Disclaimer: I drive a white BMW but it’s the baby hauler 🤓


mattparts t1_jcnkeba wrote

So did you get the optional turn signal package.?


afapracing t1_jcokszm wrote

I was told due to Covid supply chain shortages it was no longer available 👹


Shortchange96 t1_jcnh8bf wrote

I hate the Indy 500 drivers weaving in and out. Should be automatic license lost


Erinn_13 t1_jconok7 wrote

It wouldn’t and doesn’t stop those folks from driving. These are people who don’t give a flying fuck about anyone else on the road. They are often uninsured and have had no formal or informal driver’s education.


kawaiitohru t1_jcnexl8 wrote

i'm so terrified to drive on the highway for this reason


mkt853 t1_jcmces3 wrote

Outside of holidays when they have extra staff on I would not expect much traffic enforcement. This is how it has been for nearly two decades now since the steep decline in officers began.


agelaius9416 t1_jcmyl1w wrote

Doesn’t make it OK. They should do their jobs at least. ACAB.


mkt853 t1_jcmywwq wrote

They are doing their jobs. I'm certainly no apologist for them, but they work long and odd hours and don't have an easy job.


[deleted] t1_jcmcira wrote



mkt853 t1_jcmgsbr wrote

If you see one they are most likely working on administrative bulls*it and are just trying to sit somewhere central to their patrol area so they can respond to a call within their assigned area quickly. For those whose areas are mainly highway, the priority is clearing disabled vehicles and accidents to prevent traffic jams and the additional fender benders those bring.


linetrash42 t1_jcmsrmt wrote

Plus no chase laws and the police accountability bill why do anything they don’t have to do? It doesn’t benefit them in any way


mkt853 t1_jcmutyr wrote

Chases still happen, and the accountability bill has little impact other than cops can't use the ol' "I smell weed" as a pretext.


CalligrapherDizzy201 t1_jcotjdg wrote

The legal weed eliminates the “I smell weed” pretext. Not the accountability bill.


FSAaCTUARY t1_jco2ufj wrote

Cops are afk lol. I accidentally go 20over the limit on highway right next to them and dont get pulled over.


bender28 t1_jcojmcg wrote

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


hayfero t1_jcp3udq wrote

I’m starting to see alot of people treat stop signs as optional in my neighborhood. I hate it


solomons-marbles t1_jcnc59m wrote

I was at a light a couple of weeks ago; a left turn lane, straight lane and a right turn/straight lane. I’m in the middle w a townie cop in the right, we’re both in the front of the line. A pickup truck goes flying through red, we had the green. I see the cop watch the whole thing and did not do a damn thing.


Aaron351 t1_jcngnod wrote

Yeah but that tiktok they were watching was really funny and shit.


mattparts t1_jcnjago wrote

Traffic enforcement? That’s a joke. I travel to Newburgh Ny every day, cops in New York show alot of presence and it does make a difference. Had a CT trooper this morning make two moving violations in a row. All because he needed to exit , mind you he sped up got in front of me only to slow down to make the exit ramp. WTF. Class act. How’s that for high jinks


kingdom_tarts t1_jcnpn93 wrote

CT state police make most of their ticket money by focusing on DOT violations. If you haven't noticed, the dark color SUVs are the DOT police, who mainly pull over 18 wheelers and other hauling vehicles.

I've heard that truckers try to avoid our state as much as possible for this reason. There's definitely still some enforcement on speed, but as an everyday commuter, I'd have to say it's pretty lax at best.

Remember, we have less than 1000 state troopers for the entire state as well.


TheDudeMaintains t1_jcoyc4t wrote

DMV, not DOT.

Edit: Downvotes for accurate info? Never change, CT reddit.


kingdom_tarts t1_jcsjp9d wrote

Yep you're right, I only heard this through word of mouth. A quick Google search shows that CT DMV has inspectors with full police power!


Salvidor_Deli t1_jcol2dz wrote

Wasn't there something in the legislature in 2019/20 that significantly reduced when cops can chase?


Rustygaff t1_jcomkh3 wrote

troopers do not want to risk getting sued if the errant driver runs. Not worth the risk.


Jacostak t1_jcoylh5 wrote

People in CT literally drive like it's GTA out here. I was stopped at a red light the other day, and while other traffic was still flowing someone came up behind me about 50mph without slowing down and whipped around my car and through the traffic almost causing a T-bone. Cop in oncoming traffic did fuck all about it. This exact instance has happened about 5 times since I moved here 2 years ago. Let alone all the other bullshit.


SkeezySkeeter t1_jcnxir8 wrote

That's bullshit, local police have stopped me for going 14 mph above the limit.

But a guy going like 35ish or more mph over doesn't get stopped.

What the heck.


Sea_Release_1170 t1_jcozk51 wrote

Is that the one following the SUV in front? I was on I-91N near exit 24. I saw 2 vehicles speeding and weaving around. It looked like a road rage incident. Luckily I was on far right side. That was very scary seeing that.


Sanfords_Son t1_jcp0lu2 wrote

A lot of times, the police are stationed along the road simply as a visual deterrent, and do not pursue by design.


FreeRealmsGoblin t1_jcp0o01 wrote

Saw a dude towing a trailer switch lanes to run a red light in right in front of a cop and he did nothing lol.


KaladinsDad t1_jcpd751 wrote

Sometimes the cop cars are parked there without a cop in it.

Saves costs for the department, and gets people to slow down.

Some other states have even put dummies or mannequins in the cars to make it look like a more real possibility and get drivers to slow down, without dedicating an officer to tickets.

Also smart departments are probably avoiding traffic citations, because these always turn into national news when they "accidentally" use the gun instead of the taser on someone. Departments are probably better off dedicating officers to "real crimes".


bigwigmike t1_jcnkt8t wrote

I have to drive on this highway two times a year. Today was one of those days. I saw a motorcycle lane splitting doing 100 plus


B6304T4 t1_jcnkxae wrote

Wonder if it was the same gooob in the white 340i upbadged as an M3 that did the same thing to a bunch of cars on 291 this morning.


TrashPandaShire t1_jcokph5 wrote

Last night there were so many insane drivers, not one but two small Honda type cars passed me on the right going well over 80 MPH.


SamuraiPanda19 t1_jcoukf3 wrote

If you were still that close to it you must've been going pretty fast yourself


Mental-Job7947 t1_jcpqp0y wrote

CT should introduce % to income based traffic fines.


WheredMyBrainsGo t1_jdzhaie wrote

I agree the situation is dire right now. I drive down to Fairfield at least once a week to see friends and every time I do I get a little anxious because I know I’m going to have to deal with a handful of buffoons on the way there driving like absolute asshats. It’s not as bad as driving to NY or NJ but it’s getting close and that is saying something.


blade-runner9 t1_jcoo34v wrote

You watch what happens next. I bet speed cameras are coming and they will mail you a ticket. All thanks to these aholes.


Phantastic_Elastic t1_jcp9w7d wrote

I'd be fine with that, don't see why reasonable people should object. They should set the cameras to automatically ticket the top 5% of offenders or something like that, so everyone who wants to cruise at 75 is fine but the assholes cutting in and out at 90+ get nailed and eventually lose their licenses

20+ over the speed limit, you should lose the right to use public roads


Amity83 t1_jcpb3pc wrote

They have to be able to prove who was driving. Also, speed obviously exacerbates bad outcomes from collisions, but IMO the more dangerous activity is all the tailgating and weaving. High speed collision are worse, but tailgating and weaving causes more collisions.


numitoke t1_jcnnidp wrote

Maybe if they had more funds or more police...


Knineteen t1_jcnjw9q wrote

Change the laws so evaders are 100% responsible for all damages both criminally and civilly. Stop putting the responsibility on police.


IndicationOver t1_jcmfkoj wrote

Yea people drive fast and reckless in modern cars, sorry you had the displeasure of dealing with this today.


TheHollywoodKnight t1_jcny3ua wrote

Why would you seriously expect the trooper to do anything? He can’t chase the vehicle if it runs, and if the driver stops and gives the trooper grief (which he probably will) the trooper is going to have a bunch of Reddit clowns Monday morning quarterbacking how he handles the situation and calling for his job. Yeah, it’s infuriating to see this kind of blatant lawbreaking go unaddressed, but a disengaged, barely-reactive police force is what you get when you spend years calling all cops bastards.


Phantastic_Elastic t1_jcpa0rv wrote

All he has to do is get their license plate.. it's a crime to flee

If the cops won't do their jobs, we should stop paying them


TheHollywoodKnight t1_jcph4ip wrote

The license plate number just shows who the car is registered to. It doesn’t prove who was driving it. That’s not going to be enough.


Phantastic_Elastic t1_jctk8j0 wrote

All the cop has to do is observe the situation. He doesn't have to pursue. His word identifying the driver is admissible evidence. And the fleeing driver will be in deep shit, because not only were they driving recklessly, they fled.


TheHollywoodKnight t1_jcvqoee wrote

The fleeing driver isn’t going to be in any trouble because the trooper can’t chase him and therefore can’t get close enough to make a visual identification of him.


AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_jcn59tf wrote

Fingers crossed that we'll get traffic enforcement cameras sooner rather than later.


wanderforreason t1_jcnf7h4 wrote

Hopefully that never happens. They aren’t effective.


AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_jcnjqvi wrote

>They aren't effective.

Must be why the FHWA regards them as a proven safety countermeasure.


NateJTB t1_jcn6w4n wrote

License plate tint has entered the chat.


Aaron351 t1_jcngenq wrote

Computer privacy shield. You’re welcome.


CompetitiveYak2311 t1_jcn3t1e wrote

This is what you get for demonizing police the last three years.


Aaron351 t1_jcngjdf wrote

Don’t be silly, I’ve been demonizing them for the past two(+) decades.


Phantastic_Elastic t1_jcpb8g6 wrote

Giant ass crybabies, petulant man children who can't accept any criticism of their violent culture... They do the job or they lose it. We pay their salaries and they work for us.