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Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_je9th4r wrote

Nothing is ever useless to resourceful people.

Journalists also have a bad habit of oversimplifying things for the layman. One would have to be a part of the process to completely understand their criteria.


fuserx t1_jea10v9 wrote

Perhaps. It sure it was oversimplified. But the standards for social sciences are so lax. Do a real experiment if you want to come to these conclusions that these programs work.


Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_jea2yth wrote

Unfortunately, time is necessary to prove theories and experience is necessary to understand results. My daughter participated in a Yale psychology study as an infant and it took thirty years to publish their findings. You can learn about their findings in the documentary, ‘Babies’ on Netflix. It is really fascinating. I wish I knew the things they learned while she was still a child but that is the paradox of education and experience.