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kayakyakr t1_jcpdvl7 wrote

In the end, we need it all. What seems to happen is that we chase the ideal solution while passing up lessor opportunities.

I think your approach is a great start. Low on budget to make significant improvements.

We'll need the flashy new lines someday, but the high speed line is more effective when you can get places locally when you arrive and it's also more effective with fewer stops. A grade separated 200+ mph rail gets you between NYC, New Haven, Providence, and Boston in just a bit past an hour. From there, local transit should take over.

On that note, CT is ahead of our neighbours in that way. Public transit in Providence is horrid and transit in Mass is hyper focused on Boston to the detriment of anyone in the west or out towards the Cape.


blargleflarter t1_jcpieuj wrote

Can confirm Boston transit is horrid as well! I lived there for a year doing Americorps and on the day before I moved out the Orange Line train I was riding caught on fire. Good times.


CiforDayZServer t1_jcpvf1u wrote

I lived on the red line in 98-00 I thought it was fantastic, I don’t think I had a single issue the whole time I was there. The only funny T story I had was when I was visiting we got out of the wrong T station and asked a cop for directions to the aquarium, he told us to go back in take the green line to park street then the orange line to the aquarium. We did that, 20m later we get out of the Orange line and can literally see the corner the cop told us to get back on the T. It was a 3 minute walk at best lol.


Whaddaulookinat t1_jcpmacd wrote

> transit in Mass is hyper focused on Boston to the detriment of anyone in the west or out towards the Cape.

And what we forget that transit outside the 128 loop is also, to put kindly, absolute dogshit