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One-Awareness-5818 t1_jege8r8 wrote

It will really depend on your nurse who is going to be there for you most of the time. They are pushing breast is best policy and their lactation consultant sucks (2 I have encountered, they use a lot of shame and guilt trip). Like some baby will be born hungry and whatever you produce won't be enough and babies will cry, give me the formula! I will say, you have to advocate for yourself, if you don't ask for something, they won't bring it up.

Things that was annoying: lactation consultant said I won't have a success breastfeeding journey because I refuse to pump while giving baby formula which is true because I fed my first kid for 18 months), I asked for the lowest dosage of pain killer in the middle of the night(15 hours after c section because I am expect to get up, change diaper and feed baby without any help and the nurse was guilt tripping me about the medicine lowering.y supply) and also they don't have a "nursery" anymore, it is call a procedure room and they really guilt you for trying to get them to take the baby there and they bring it back after an hour. They are very cheap with their supplies. Their postpartum bathroom are like gas station quality. The delivery rooms are nice, got that Ikea vibe. But I mean is there even any other choices if you live in the suburbs of New Haven, if you can afford it, maybe hire a doula


coolducklingcool t1_jegqazi wrote

I bet all that’s because they’re trying to get redesignated a ‘baby friendly’ hospital. 🙄 So annoying. I use Danbury Hospital and the nurses - especially the overnight ones - were a godsend. Would come in just to help me swaddle, encouraged me to use the nursery to get a little sleep, etc.


whiskEy39 t1_jegp8cn wrote

If you are either end of the spectrum you can get a doula. My wife had state insurance and we’re pretty broke but that included a doula all through the pregnancy and was a great help. Unfortunately Covid restrictions kept them from being in the actual room at that point but that may be different now.