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buried_lede t1_je3b5yr wrote

I know someone who tried to take advantage of the home care program and should qualify but the process was endless, application submitted in August, zero action past an interview with him. Tried to resuscitate it in something like December or January. They say oh yes yes, we’re going to help you Two months goes by then a call asking him to submit a whole new application.

Sometimes I think it’s a fake program, like the fake state money set aside to reward essential workers that nobody seemed to get, or the applications for assistance with rent or bills if you were affected by Covid that were never given case numbers and received no response.

I’d understand this kind of performance if we were a poor state like Mississippi and overwhelmed, but we have very well paid state workers with pension and health care benefits that dwarf the benefits of federal employees, albeit, with a good deal of nepotism in the ranks with a straight line to the legislature and governor. We are one of the highest taxed states in the country. I would like benefits to the poor expedited and not bogged down and wasted by inefficient state agencies.

My friend gave up on his home care application for now. He needed the help yesterday and is scrimping along hiring help here and there but the state exhausted his energies and equanimity. He can’t take it anymore, even rejecting help from his friends. Life is short and he doesn’t want it dominated by their dysfunction and mediocrity.

Unfortunately, he would not be interested in talking about it so that’s not much help for ct mirror.

Edit: I just want to add that if the state is leaning towards aging in place ( and I support that) it really has to get it together. The guy I described above is on Medicare and Medicaid and CT Medicaid a while back decided to support care at home. But when someone gets home from rehab in August and still has no ongoing services in January, that’s not a program ready for an influx of new people.

To be clear, he had the medically prescribed home health nurse visits after rehab ( they failed to make the Medicare deadline but they did check in by the third day); the months long delay was for other home supports that are part of this program that Medicaid is supporting now. I don’t have a list of the tasks they do, I am afraid. I had a basic outline. I think it was typical of what a CNA provides and also what is referred to in statute as a “homemaker companion” so they could clean the apartment, make meals etc.


Bone_Dice_in_Aspic t1_je3m24k wrote

I got my essential worker money.


buried_lede t1_je3qdtj wrote

Glad to hear that. People were posting that they were hearing nothing


Bone_Dice_in_Aspic t1_je3rbua wrote

Maybe some are getting stiffed, my wife and I both got ours though. Could be based on how soon you applied


BluenotesBb t1_je5whaj wrote

Here is something else to piss you off:

   The state is holding back billions of promised money to these programs....

Expect a very large strike in April/May.