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Masty1985 t1_jeee4l5 wrote

Ohh I see ... Well I ain't blue or red, burn them both to the ground... I'll see myself out.


Fappiness-isawarmgun t1_jeeehuu wrote

That's cool friend. On this sub someone could post a picture of a dog and someone would be like "cute dog but if it lived in Idaho it'd be the ugliest dog ever. I HaTe rEd StAtEs I WoUlD nEvEr LiVe iN sUcH a PlAcE" lol no lie man thats Rconnecticut for ya. That's how insane these Gen Z kids are


Masty1985 t1_jeeepaq wrote

That's hilarious. What a bunch of losers. Meanwhile all the people in red states say the exact same shit about them! LoL and a round and round we go. No one will ever convince me the horseshoe theory isn't reality.