Submitted by PettyWitch t3_11xsswi in Connecticut

I never get into road rage incidents or see anybody obviously raging at me. If somebody has given me the finger I’ve never seen it. I use the left lane to quickly pass a vehicle or cluster of vehicles and then go back to the right. I leave a good distance in front of me and if somebody moves in front of me I don’t think of it as “cutting me off” I just feel it is a normal traffic maneuver, so I ease off the gas and build distance again. People need to get where they are going, it’s not personal. I make sure I’m in the proper lane by 3/4 mile before the exit. If someone is tailgating me I pull to the side or maneuver to help them get by. If I’m tired and about to miss my exit I just wait for the next one rather than do anything crazy. Driving is a relatively peaceful experience for me.

I really think if you feel like the other drivers are stressed or angry, it’s you. It’s something you’re doing or how you’re perceiving things. Try calming down?



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timmahfast t1_jd4ruye wrote

I see my fair share of stupid stuff. But most days commuting are uneventful. I think the ones who have constant problems either can't drive defensively or think that only cars doing 80+mph are entitled to the passing lane and rage over it.


100_percenter t1_jd4zxji wrote

"Anyone going slower than you is an idiot, anyone going faster than you is a maniac".

~George Carlin


otter_spud t1_jd51gnx wrote

I commute on 95 every day. It's not as bad as other major cities I've lived in. You'd think that we lived in mad max fury road based on the posts here lol. I saw much crazier stuff in Philly, Chicago, and NYC.


Dyeeguy t1_jd5egtg wrote

people here do drive way too aggressively. They are constantly tailgating and passing u if you leave more than a car length of distance. It is fine, just annoying to constantly brake for them or move over.

Also ppl driving way too fast in snow and rain


phabphour20 t1_jd5giyh wrote

"The thing is that, of course, there are totally different ways to think about these kinds of situations. In this traffic, all these vehicles stopped and idling in my way, it’s not impossible that some of these people in SUV’s have been in horrible auto accidents in the past, and now find driving so terrifying that their therapist has all but ordered them to get a huge, heavy SUV so they can feel safe enough to drive. Or that the Hummer that just cut me off is maybe being driven by a father whose little child is hurt or sick in the seat next to him, and he’s trying to get this kid to the hospital, and he’s in a bigger, more legitimate hurry than I am: it is actually I who am in HIS way."


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_jd5v1ua wrote

Growing up in other parts of CT I’m very glad the only highway I experience in regularity is 395. It feels like what you describe, but I swear 295 in RI the people ARE all angry and stressed


fastnsx21 t1_jd5wd79 wrote

Currently in Miami. CT driving is a breeze


spatial_needs t1_jd7dwb8 wrote

I moved to Connecticut from Atlanta. My experience is that driving in Connecticut is far less stressful than driving pretty much anywhere in the south.


Jaymez82 t1_jd7xv3v wrote

84 is a cake walk. It's borderline boring.

I will avoid The Merritt like the plague, though. There's no good reason to ever use that road.


[deleted] t1_jdbbj80 wrote

From South FL and I feel the same as you. Commuting is a breeze here in comparison. I had to be way more aware especially of elderly women making abrupt lane changes.


crankygeese t1_jdm283f wrote

Many of the drivers in this state are petty, egotistical, and passive aggressive. These drivers are usually the problem on the road, making it more dangerous for everyone else; meanwhile most other drivers are fine.