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usernamedunbeentaken t1_jdhpawb wrote

This post is an example of why there have been an 'increase in anti-semitic' incidents.

When you expand the definition of 'antisemitic' to criticism of ADL, then yeah anti-semitic incidents are going up. I also question the ADLs motivations and also the validity of their statistics. I guess that's yet another anti-semitic incident to add to the tally.


nuttmegganarchist t1_jdhsq2o wrote

There is a difference between legitimate criticism and spouting off about something being a liberal propaganda machine. Criticizing Israel for acting as an apartheid state is a legitimate criticism but accusing the Jewish community of having a space laser is antisemitism. You can can call things out without using antisemitic terms


usernamedunbeentaken t1_jdhuw8z wrote

According to your definition, saying ADL is a liberal propaganda machine is anti-semitic, but calling Israel an apartheid state isn't. I don't know what to tell you. Your definitions are arbitrary and biased, and your views regarding the topic should be irrelevant to any reasonable person.


vitalvisionary t1_jdhxont wrote

Well see one is true and one isn't. It's quite obvious to this reasonable person.


usernamedunbeentaken t1_jdi1sr8 wrote

Sounds like something an unreasonable and biased person would say.


vitalvisionary t1_jdi3shy wrote

Well then you need to work on your empirical evidence evaluation and learn the difference between unsubstantiated opinions and provable facts. Ya know, reason it out.


nuttmegganarchist t1_jdhzpud wrote

But why are those definitions arbitrary and biased? Is it because you say so or are there hard facts I’m missing in my life?


usernamedunbeentaken t1_jdi1p6u wrote

Can you point to a hard fact that saying ADL is a liberal propaganda machine is "anti-semitic"?

No, you can't. Therefore your definition is arbitrary.


nuttmegganarchist t1_jdi3uzl wrote

Yes I can. The ADL is an organization defending the Jewish community and was founded by a Jewish person. It’s a Jewish organization. Saying a Jewish organization is a liberal propaganda machine is parroting what known antisemitic organizations have been sayings since the 1930’s and well before that. I can give you a really good list of primary sources


Coincel_pro t1_jdhspv7 wrote

Can you show us where the doubling of incidents this year is due to criticism of the ADL then?


usernamedunbeentaken t1_jdhuji5 wrote

No, because sadly the linked article only gives a number and the ADL hasn't provided a detailed list of all incidents by year so readers could understand the context and validity of their claim.

However, specifically by nutmegganarchist's standards, there have been at least 2 more anti-semitic incidents in this very thread.