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fluffheaaaaad t1_jefhmfb wrote

Reply to comment by KJK998 in Odd People in WeHa by Greymalkyn76

Tell me you’ve never been to west hartford, without telling me you’ve never been to west hartford.


Greymalkyn76 OP t1_jefjwxy wrote

Lol I work in West Hartford every day. This is just the first time I've been approached. Except that one time an old southern African American man yelled every "white" slur he could think of at me, while asking for directions to get something to eat.

"Hey, wonder bread! Why don't you be a good cracker and teach me something. Tell me how to get to Taco Bell, Casper! C'mon, Jimmy Crow, give me those directions!"


fluffheaaaaad t1_jefk51z wrote

I was responding to the comment above not to you OP, you jive ass turkey


BoomkinBeaks t1_jefuy5t wrote

It’s not good to be a jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving