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Miles_vel_Day t1_jdebwup wrote

>I was one of those kids the parents shadowed and bullied through school.

This sounds pretty bad, could you elaborate on this at all? I'm not sure I understand; if I had to guess they thought you were a danger to the other kids, for Columbine-y/sexual orientation reasons? Sorry you had to go through that.


HeyYoJelLo t1_jdecxlf wrote

No i mean I was lazy, didn't have direction. Had the whole college bullshit shoved down my throat. Carrot, stick, whatever. Forcing people to learn and anger or discipline seems crazy when you suspect they might be future waitresses or nurses aids. People can always choose to expand their education. Pushy educators, and sadistic make it seem like your cum loude by 23 or I let the kids be kids. I do remind them that a diploma is valuable to future education.


Miles_vel_Day t1_jdefgpo wrote

Oh all right! I'm glad things worked out for you. I just totally gave into all that academic pressure in school, and I have ended up with good degrees and a good job but my entire 20s was a mental health disaster. We make things pretty hard for kids.