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Human_Skirt6528 t1_jdh701j wrote

I teach a split level position in lower elementary. I think I found my sweet spot because 6-8 year olds don't disrespect and if they do, a quick glare will do the job. I've taught upper elementary before and I will never be back to it.

That being said, staff shortages are killing us. I have SPED kids who are barely getting hours. The school is k-8 with 1 SPED teacher. I have kids who are exhibiting Emotional Disturbance and ADD and I can't convince anyone to stop suggesting ways to deal with it (incentives that 5 days later turn into weapons) and get them tested. These children need behavior techs, documentations, labels, and paras. I cant keep giving up 4 preps a week on having a meeting about the same 3 children doing the same things. And if I don't, I get the "why didn't you do anything about it last year." I tried and no one listened.