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solomons-marbles t1_jdhoj9v wrote

Great idea. Should have been given to the state or NB years ago.


Bruins125 t1_jdhqz6m wrote

So why did Hartford own the property to begin with? Was this an old reservoir for the city?


stinkstankstunkiii t1_jdhvs5y wrote

it borders Farmington & New Britain. It was a park, with a lake for swimming, trails and picnic area.


Bruins125 t1_jdhwj8e wrote

It doesn't border Hartford though, it's entirely enclosed by New Britain and Farmington and about 4 miles driving from the Hartford border. It just seems odd that the City of Hartford would own the land, unless this was originally a reservoir for the city.


stinkstankstunkiii t1_jdhwxre wrote

Ty for the correction. it definetly is odd that Hartford owns Batterson. edit to add - you are right again! it was a reservoir for Hartford!


jdloyola t1_jdi1ds3 wrote

This is the park I always wanted to go to but the gate has been closed for a while. I resort to Stanley Quarter Park


Testy_MacTestry t1_jdibsmi wrote

That new bike path is coming along, and I look forward to them finishing that dredging project.


NicxtLevelGaming t1_jdhx1p9 wrote

Explains the survey crews I saw there this week.


No-Cardiologist6790 t1_jdid5cr wrote

This is good, Iā€™ve paddle boarded there but there is definitely some pollution that needs to be cleaned up. So much potential with the beach area. Will definitely go there more often


fraxinus2000 t1_jdjjay3 wrote

Iā€™ve never been there ā€“ how is it actually closed? is the entire place fenced? People canā€™t wander onto it?


sburger42 t1_jdk1l4b wrote

Itā€™s been closed in title but itā€™s accessible from both sides of Batterson park pond. Iā€™ve fished there quite a few times and even played basketball on the dilapidated court.

As a neighbor to the park Iā€™m pumped. It needs to have 3 to 4 old buildings demoā€™d before opening and a lot of tree work / maintenance, itā€™s gonna be awhile before itā€™s ā€œopenā€.


sarasquirrel t1_jdjr19z wrote

Thereā€™s a boat launch area on one side off Alexander Rd in New Britain but on the Farmington side thereā€™s a path blocked off that lead to a beach area and pavilion I believe.


ertebolle t1_jdhyycq wrote

They named a park after the kid from Shazam?


kingdom_tarts t1_jdi8owq wrote

I mean, it's not really "free" since we pay a fee when we register our cars that gives us access to all state parks.


No-Adhesiveness-5832 t1_jdk15v6 wrote

That fee is $10. For two years of unlimited access to state parks. Itā€™s damn close to free.


kingdom_tarts t1_jdk19ua wrote

For sure, I have no problem with it at all.

I love the parks and don't mind paying into it.


the-crotch t1_jdim24r wrote

I love when people get downvoted for making a provable and accurate statement


kingdom_tarts t1_jdio2tt wrote

Classic reddit, as I was typing this I already knew lol


Justinontheinternet t1_jdishap wrote

Wake me up when we can carry in state parks due to bears. CT the only state where ā€œprotecting kidsā€ requires adults being eaten alive by black bears.


writtenbyrabbits_ t1_jdivr6x wrote

Lol. You don't need a gun against a black bear. Stay inside if you're so scared.


Justinontheinternet t1_jdj104d wrote

Okay khabib send us videos of you fighting bears. Iā€™ll wait.


ThatsALotOfOranges OP t1_jdjg49r wrote

My dude, no one is denying bears are big and strong. But the black bears aren't out to get you.


writtenbyrabbits_ t1_jdjlvqz wrote

Who needs to fight when you just need to stand up and they run away. Are you afraid of house cats too?


Justinontheinternet t1_jdjozpj wrote

And no one is saying black bears are out to get you. But if itā€™s between a human life vs a bear life apparently the state chooses the bear. And remember no one bothered these bears and they chased defenseless people and the bear were behaving aggressively. Amazing that the state (and reddit) cares more about bears than tax payers lives or their families. They need to teach human empathy in class.

Youā€™ve never stood toe with smokey the bear heā€™s definitely juicing like Dwayne Johnson.

You mean apex predators because thatā€™s what house cats are. You donā€™t get vermin mice rats bugs or spiders when you have a cat because theyā€™ll kill anything in sight.


ThatsALotOfOranges OP t1_jdityim wrote

I don't what you're on about but black bears are not eating people in our state parks. They're like the most skittish animal ever. You can make a loud noise and they'll run away. The number of people who have died from black bear attacks is tiny.


TheDudeMaintains t1_jdj7m3n wrote

I worked in close proximity to native black bears for years and have plenty of photos and videos of bears within spitting distance or less. Even the most grizzled, battle-scarred boar I've ever stumbled upon never even so much as gave me reason to pause. They are to be respected, but fear is generally unwarranted.


Justinontheinternet t1_jdjp3so wrote

I choose protecting human life over bears. Bears donā€™t pay taxes. Super cool creatures but if the state is going to prohibit and limit my rights in a state park then they need to provide people with bear mace or protection.

Imagine you walk into a park and lose your constitutional right to free speech? It doesnā€™t make sense with any other amendment but itā€™s okay for the 2a? Weird. Seems almost discriminatory or like an infringement on constitutional rights.


TheDudeMaintains t1_jdjpb11 wrote

Then please support a bear hunting season. There's nothing wrong with well-guided conservation.


Justinontheinternet t1_jdj0xbr wrote

Read the links.


ThatsALotOfOranges OP t1_jdj9ar1 wrote

Neither of those links involve "adults getting eaten alive by black bears."

One of them is about a kid getting non-life-threating injuries from a black bear and the other is about an incident where some hikers were frightened by a bear but no one got hurt.


Justinontheinternet t1_jdjphnv wrote

So injuries to humans are okay as long ā€œas the bears are safeā€?

I like dogs more than people but bears? Hmm šŸ¤”


CynAq t1_jdhmwiw wrote

So is this called micro-nationalization?

Edit: Jesus Christ people, I was asking a technical question as to what do you call the action of making a municipal property a state property. That's all there is to it.


G3Saint t1_jdhn5nj wrote

no. it's already a park. There is no "nationalization".