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FuckSteveMills t1_javusqs wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo

I’d be down to live in Alaska, New Mexico, Wyoming, South Carolina, Oregon, Utah, etc. Those are some beautiful states with great wildlife. The gate keeping for CT gets weird in this sub.


AdHistorical7107 t1_jaw10wy wrote

Doesn't Alaska have the highest domestic abuse rate per capita? Mississippi highest murder rate?

Pros and cons to every state...


jay1982k t1_jawn60z wrote

No theyre not.

U have to go miles to see anything.

Small towns deal w opioid epidemic.

West virginia is stunningly beautiful almost everywhere. Ill happily live in ct.


FuckSteveMills t1_jaxyn3y wrote

How are you going to tell someone what they find beautiful? I know some people don’t like the outdoors, wildlife or warm weather, but you can’t just going around telling people that something isn’t beautiful even though they find it so. Idk why you would simp so hard for a state lmao


jay1982k t1_jay1fg7 wrote


I dunno why u got so snowflaked. U need to de-pill.

Flexing too much, bruh.


FuckSteveMills t1_jay1tsu wrote

Sorry bruh the libtards got me through the vaccine now I’m afraid to leave the state


welcomebackjelly t1_jawqe16 wrote

You have to go miles to see anything in ct unless you live on the coast, we dealt with a serious opioid epidemic not long ago. I love Ct it’s my favorite state but let’s not throw rocks from a glass house


jay1982k t1_jawuo94 wrote

Im not from ct.

I plan to live on the coast.

Few other states have trains


welcomebackjelly t1_jax0b0l wrote

I’m confused on what you’re trying to say?


jay1982k t1_jaxh9dk wrote

U live on the coast -no driving miles.

The small towns here dont have any major safety/drug crisis

The schools are good unlike coasts elsewhere

And trains available unlike other coasts

And these other states dont have the above.


welcomebackjelly t1_jaxrdcp wrote

Well I mean yea but you’re cherry picking the best part of the state, I’m on the coast and it’s heavenly, but I’d argue that upstate South Carolina is nicer than upstate Connecticut. The inverse of your argument would be like comparing Charleston to Waterbury


welcomebackjelly t1_jawo11o wrote

South Carolina also has basically everything ct has. I’ve spent a lot of time there for work and was very surprised how similar they are as far as natural amenities go. Just different cultures


mkt853 t1_jay74jx wrote

South Carolina wants to execute a woman for taking abortion pills. But yeah totally the same as Connecticut!


welcomebackjelly t1_jay77w6 wrote

I said same natural amenities and different cultures did I not? Edit: while we’re on the subject, SC remains one of the few souther states to have upheld abortion rights. The headlines claiming they want to execute women are predominantly clickbait and all stem from one attempted bill that has been blocked by the state Supreme Court every time it’s been proposed.


LFCReds8 t1_jaw9dx4 wrote

Spot on. We’re obv here because we’re connecticuties, but it’s crazy how blindly attached some are to our state.


gyst_ t1_jayv04q wrote

Imagine being able to live in places like South Carolina without fearing for your rights/life. Must be nice.


[deleted] t1_javx2zq wrote

I'm sure they are beautiful places to see but as far as living?

Alaska is a weird case because it gets oil money. Utah is crazy cult people. Oregon is probably fine around Portland but go inland and it gets bad. Wyoming is....who knows. SC and NM are just straight up shitholes.

There are probably perfectly nice towns in each of those states(if you have the money) but overall they are horrible places to live for various reasons ranging from crime to poor education to inferior hospitals to lack of services and whatever else.

People in this sub constantly complaining about taxes without realizing that we have it pretty good is what gets weird in this sub.


FuckSteveMills t1_jaw2tya wrote

I’ve been to all those places and they’re not shitholes or 3rd world countries lmao. Life exists outside CT. Go see the country or just be stereotypical nutmegger and assume everywhere else is a completely inferior shithole because you live in the high class society of CT


welcomebackjelly t1_jaw4174 wrote

Haha if you suggest that there are other states to live in that aren’t CT, all hell breaks loose


FuckSteveMills t1_jaw4mh9 wrote

There’s a reason retirees move to other states


welcomebackjelly t1_jaw6b02 wrote

I mean I love it here but I’ve lived in all sorts of states and loved them all. Great parts to every state. I raised my kids here, and I’ve been spending more and more time at my other houses. Not sure how much longer I’ll keep my ct house


UhaRugger1 t1_jaw9vu9 wrote

I've lived in a couple different areas of NM. One being Albuquerque. I enjoyed Albuquerque but they do have some problems. The other being the "shit hole" the other poster was referencing. The majority of the locals didn't have past a 6th grade education and that 6th grade level was not comparable to CT or any northeastern state. A friend was a teacher in that particular town. Her 3rd graders were reading at a 1st grade NM education level. She had also taught 1st graders and would get kids who didn't even known letter sounds. I'm not talking a few kids. I'm talking full on entire classes of kids not able to make letter sounds because this was their first experience with school. At the time they had no kindergarten and no pre school. The lack of funding was astounding. People complain about lack of funding for schools in New England, they have never seen what happens when a state can't fund their schools. The majority of NM is a beautiful state, along with the other states on that list, but they have systemic issues. One may not care if they don't have kids but you should care. An educated society helps all. Those kids will grow up and have to work. Do you really want poorly educated people running the local government or working as aids in elderly homes.


SuperYoshi19 t1_jawnz0e wrote

The capital building of South Carolina flew the Confederate flag until ten or so years ago. No thank you.


Bobinct t1_jaw1fmf wrote

Wyoming is ruled by the fossil fuel, timber, and cattle industries. Complaining about pollution there is damn near illegal.

I'm not kidding about ruled either. They exercise full control over the state legislature.


[deleted] t1_jaw4kzv wrote

It's less than 600k people in an area 40% larger than all of New England. I feel like if it was really an amazing place to live more people would live there.


Ds87878 t1_jawjgv0 wrote

Willing to bet you’ve complained about beef prices but then lobby on the internet to shut cattle farming down. They feed the country so simmer down.


Bobinct t1_jawobaq wrote

Don't really eat much beef anymore. I could manage without it.


kimwim43 t1_jawawwf wrote

I gave you an up vote. But then reminded it when you went on to say ppl constantly complaining about the taxes. No. We aren’t. I don’t mind one red cent of the taxes I pay, I know I have a very high quality of life in this state, and that isn’t free.


Soul_blazer84 t1_javy1e5 wrote

Imagine saying it’s fine around Portland????? But bad everywhere else.


[deleted] t1_jaw0ju2 wrote

Dude, lay off the Fox News and go outside.


Soul_blazer84 t1_jaw7qkc wrote

Lol who mentioned Fox News? Walmart is literally closing all its Portland area stores because of crime I wouldn’t say Oregon is fine in the “Portland area”.


Ds87878 t1_jawjary wrote

Spoken by somebody who sounds like they’ve never left CT.