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throwy4444 t1_jaw6r2h wrote

Both the heading of this post and the title of the graph are potentially misleading.

Unfortunately people will read this is as "Connecticut has the #1 highest tax burden overall in the United States." It's not clear that this graph is showing that. Taxes come from a variety of sources and it may be measuring the amount from those sources.

Also, I can't easily locate the USA Facts source. And the image does not give us any detail about what it is exactly trying to measure.

Connecticut may actually have a very high tax rate overall, but we don't know because this chart isn't giving that answer.


CTdadof5 t1_jawdl3u wrote

So you obviously went to a CT school where you were taught critical thinking and analysis. Worth every penny of taxes. Now quietly imagine a world where everyone was able to do the same. Thank you for this!!


redburn0003 t1_jawjrh8 wrote

I hope you use your critical thinking skills with everything you hear. From all sides and all outlets


dubauoo OP t1_jawnx4g wrote

In your own words l, what does this chart mean to you?


throwy4444 t1_jawpznj wrote

Good question. USA facts looks like it presents detailed data on a variety of subjects, so I don't think the site is fudging the numbers. My best guess is that the chart rates taxes according the sources they outline (property, fees, income, etc.). It would really help if we had a link to the source of the chart.

Here's a more comprehensive look at taxes state by state. Connecticut is not in the top 10 but is still high:

Here Connecticut is #7 highest in tax burden.

Connecticut is clearly not a low tax state, but where we fit in the overall rankings depends on the resource.