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Prudent-Ball2698 t1_jaxrzq0 wrote

Reply to comment by flatdanny in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo

When they aren't making money off of a virus fhe Chinese gave us, independents do. But jfc have you never looked into It? She made almost a billion off the private corporations she bought bc Lamont gave them the contracts. If thar isn't Rico act qualified for a governor to give contracts to a wife who has business in the south where wages are cheaper, then why was Rico invented for the"mob" that they never killed? The cartels they don't do shit against? Use Rico on them they're gone. All IL say. Defend commy Lamont more I'd be willing to guess your in on his payroll as Rico predicates


mkt853 t1_jay80wb wrote

Wasn't that already investigated or looked into?