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ioncloud9 t1_jdxw0nd wrote

My house in SC would cost 600k in CT if I were to buy the same size house up there. But then again they don’t debate executing women for having a abortions in the CT state legislature.


wheresbillyatschool t1_jdzb939 wrote

I’d rather be poor in the wallet than have my rights robbed from me. Sad but true reality.


ioncloud9 t1_jdzty7g wrote

Yeah this is definitely a concern for us. But I think they are hoping people like me up and leave. We have the means to go on camping trips if need be.


Itellfactsbackup t1_jdze9vs wrote

The fucking irony…. You are the reason change doesn’t happen… 🤦🏼‍♂️ 40% of the political funds that come out of private sector are from CT… fucking educate yourself before speaking absolute nonsense that isn’t even factually accurate


nsfdrag t1_je0as37 wrote

How does this have anything to do with rights being removed in other states but not here?


Itellfactsbackup t1_je1q8f2 wrote

“Not happening to me, so I’m good!” Type mentality 🤦🏼‍♂️


wheresbillyatschool t1_jeddhja wrote

How do you know what I do to advocate and fight for rights in both our state and other states from one comment? I’ve lived in several areas of the US, but truly came back because I felt that I could effectuate more change here. I work with some of the most helpless folks in society to help level the playing field DAILY. I foster children who need a home and give up any semblance of a personal life. But it’s worth it to help children feel safe and loved. I donate to organizations that can actually effectuate change in states where rights are being robbed. If everyone could get in there and make small grassroots changes, then maybe we could make some movement as a country towards a better life for everyone. One where EVERYONE’S basic needs are met. But until then, all I can do is try to make the most of this one life I’ve been given, to use my voice and advantages to advocate for others. Just wanted to share that you can’t make an assumption about someone based on 2 sentences on a Reddit thread.