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ZoqY t1_jb3jld2 wrote

Why does everyone bring up jan 6th as if this is something the right has only done. Blm riots happened for a whole year and caused 10 fold more deaths and damage. Let’s not be hypocrites


coastal_girl14 t1_jb3mhoa wrote

Jan 6th was an act of treason promulgated by the then POTUS. Anyone conflating BLM and MAGAstans has already lost the argument. Whataboutism is the last bastion of the indefensible.


coastal_girl14 t1_jb3od93 wrote

You should read the comments in the thread.


ZoqY t1_jb3otb4 wrote

Gee have you seen what they say in the video? Is that acceptable?


ZoqY t1_jb3niik wrote

You can’t be serious. 35 people died during the blm riots and over 3 billion in damages happened. On Trump’s inauguration, they tried to storm the white house lawn, forcing them underground. They set fire to a historical church and raided a police precinct, causing all of the police to flee. Thousands of cops were injured. There is no “whataboutism”. You simply lack the ability to see how bad your own side is while blaming others as if it was something that has never happened before.


coastal_girl14 t1_jb3o7ri wrote

My own side. You should stop listening to Fox News. Protesting police violence is the same as trying to overthrow the government, cancel democracy, and kill the VP as well as members of Congress? But yeah, they're exactly the same.


ZoqY t1_jb3oke6 wrote

Odd I don’t watch fox news. Keep speaking out of your ass because violently “protesting police brutality” is no different than violently “protesting election fraud”. You see your own side and lack the ability to view other perspectives. Blm rioters are literally on camera saying they wanted to beat up every white person. You pick out nitpicked incidents like I can’t do the same for the left.


coastal_girl14 t1_jb3vdhq wrote

Why are you focused on BLACK Lives Matter? Why not any of the other protest movements? What is it about BLM that triggers you? How is it that you cannot differentiate between the violence of people who follow a lying, thieving, pretender who wanted to be president for life from people who have died at the hands of police, suffered from police brutality, and want equality under the law?

You don't have to answer, it's clear as day from "my side".


ZoqY t1_jb3wa13 wrote

What about making America great again triggers you? We can shout buzzwords all day if you can’t comprehend the double standard there’s no point in discussing further


Mikkikon t1_jb508vb wrote

You’re both wrong. They were different and each was worse in its own way and neither should be used as an excuse for the other. It’s a dumb argument.


bdy435 t1_jb5q98w wrote

The BLM movement was based on the premise of equal rights and the statistically excessive number of police executions of black people, mostly male.

Philando Castile was shot and killed for trying to show his pistol permit after being stopped.

Dylan Roof, who randomly executed congregants at an AME church was taken into custody peacefully and taken to Burger King because he was hungry.

To sum, BLM protested a real problem. Jan 6 insurrectionists protested a made up problem.


Mikkikon t1_jb5t464 wrote

That’s besides the point. However, if you look a bit deeper into this issue and look past the anecdotes highlighted by the media, I believe that you’ll find that your narrative is extremely oversimplified.


ZoqY t1_jb5dmx0 wrote

They are both wrong is literally my point. People act like the left has never done anything nearly as bad as jan 6th and act as if they are totally appalled by it.


bdy435 t1_jb5qi0a wrote

Nobody has done anything nearly as bad as Jan 6.

Most Americans are still outraged by the storming of the capitol.


Mikkikon t1_jb5fpp5 wrote

Someone can be legitimately appalled by something and also hold a blind spot in another context due to motivated reasoning. It doesn’t mean they’re faking it.

It’s a fine line between pointing out the hypocrisy (good) and using it as a way to downplay the wrongs on your side (bad).

While there are many differences between BLM riots and the capitol riot, they were both certainly cases of people with perceived grievances using violence in an attempt to overthrow systems of authority.


jsayer7 t1_jb5872d wrote

Ever seen gladiator? Criticizing dems in the reddit echo chamber is similar to that.


ZoqY t1_jb5edm1 wrote

Yep it’s pointless unfortunately. These people make me sick defending a violent protest and then claiming you are racist if you don’t support it


TRACstyles t1_jb41uxk wrote

BLM wasn't democrats...democrats supported BLM, but many members/participants in BLM and the related events are against both republicans and democrats. Something like 30-40% of voters identify as independent...

Contrast that to Jan. 6. Those were almost universally republican voters, with a sprinkling of federal agents. Many people are against what happened both on Jan 6 and during the BLM craze (you know, ike *any* reasonable american citzen).

No reasonable person on any part of the political spectrum thinks breaching the capitol on Jan 6 or any of the BLM protests that devolved into looting/rioting were OK.


Mathews1297 t1_jb53g3a wrote

As a centrist I agree with this. Both were wrong and the constant comparing and figure pointing has been helping no one.


redcapmilk t1_jb6ji0b wrote

Can you explain what opinions you hold that make you consider yourself a centrist?


Mathews1297 t1_jb77zpf wrote

Both sides are trash that can’t admit anything wrong about their parties.


ZoqY t1_jb5dcpf wrote

That’s my point, they are both wrong. But it was democrats pushing blm as a political narrative. Democrats were the ones that painted blm in front of the white house and Trump tower as if Trump was to blame. They tried to pit him as a racist, which is such a propaganda attempt. Chris Cuomo also said “no one ever said a protest was supposed to be polite and peaceful” on air. They 100% used the blm riots as a political ploy


evillordsoth t1_jb3l767 wrote

Because many, though not all, of the jan6 rioters have been arrested for various and sundry traitorous doings.

Sort of like how a few, though not all, of the blm rioters have been arrested for things.

The difference being that jan6 rioters are still in the process of being held accountable for their actions, I don’t think there are any pending blm rioter charges that are still being worked on by law enforcement.


ZoqY t1_jb3o1kk wrote

Yeah most blm rioters were bailed out, despite it being 10x more violent. It’s a total double standard. If people want others to care about jan 6th they can’t act like their side hasn’t done much worse


TRACstyles t1_jb41z9n wrote

the inverse of trump republicans is not BLM! many people are against both flavors of nonsense. stop acting like you're even pro-trump or pro-BLM nonsense. MANY are against both.


dietchaos t1_jb4d6tc wrote

We get it you are racist. Soo edgy. Soo cool.


ZoqY t1_jb5e8kj wrote

I love how you are so naiive you think you need to be pro violent protests that killed dozens to be “antiracist”


bdy435 t1_jb5ra1n wrote

Dont forget Charlottesville. where the nazis came out of their closet and paraded with their tiki torches, beat up people and drove into a crowd of people.

The greatest threat to American today is right wing extremist violence. Ask the FBI.


ZoqY t1_jb5scqa wrote

3 billion in damages and 35 people killed wasn’t nazis. Leave your bubble it’s annoying responding to ignorance


bdy435 t1_jb5xc9l wrote

Try learning critical thinking, if you can. Your posts ooze ignorance and obliviousness to facts.


ZoqY t1_jb60u51 wrote

You aren’t doing critical thinking you are repeating what people tell you.


bdy435 t1_jb5oovi wrote

No one in the BLM movement tried to overthrow out our lawfully elected government.

Did you know that whataboutism is a Russian propaganda tactic?


ZoqY t1_jb5spaw wrote

You can tell you are in a cult because you repeat russia conspiracy theories. You only associate Trump supporters with Russia because of the Russian collusion hoax. The person who provided the steele dossier info was arrested for falsifying evidence. Stop spreading conspiracy


bdy435 t1_jb5wc7v wrote

Russias attempt to infiltrate the republican party and groom Trump himself starting in the 1980's is well documented and is not a conspiracy theory.

The Steele document was background info hired by Republican opposition. Nobody cares about Trumps golden showers with hookers in a Moscow hotel. The dossier came with a caveat that it was unconfirmed hearsay.

The Steele dossier is irrelevant to Trump's collusion with Putin, which is still on going. Try the Mueller report.

Most recently the head of the NY office of the FBI was arrested for selling info to Russia. The infiltration is deep.


ZoqY t1_jb615ew wrote

Mueller report was again a set up. Flynn was arrested for forgetting information. He did nothing different than what Hillary clinton did but he was arrested instead


bdy435 t1_jb6bmu9 wrote

Flynn fits all definitions of an active traitor.

So everything that conflcits with your theory is a set up or a conspiracy? You're a tough nut to crack, but still a nut.


jsayer7 t1_jb9j5q0 wrote

The steele dossier? The one that was funded by the DNC and HRC, and that’s source was a Russian who lied to the FBI?

That one?

Oh and the mueller report who concluded there was zero collusion?



bdy435 t1_jbadl39 wrote

Steele dossier was originally funded by Free Beacon for oppo research and picked up later by HRC. As i said its irrelevant to Trumps crimes.

Barr said there was no collusion, not the Mueller report. Barr is a liar.

I dont think the full report has been released yet. Why dont you try reading what has been released?

If you are going to rebut, try and get your facts straight.


jsayer7 t1_jbagxvc wrote

The mueller report literally states no collusion found. Obstruction was inconclusive.

Those are the facts.