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zgrizz t1_je57edn wrote

I can view my bills anytime I want.

Eversource is a lot of things, but your web browser problems aren't on them.


Ama014 t1_je57n1u wrote

We can go on the website perfectly fine, we can pay the bill online with no problem but when we go to access our bill the document does not pull up and instead a blank page appears stating “sorry we expected an unexpected error” - this is happening on our cell phones with data and laptops with WiFi so not a browser issue


TituspulloXIII t1_je5ru1k wrote

There are multiple places in your account you can see your usage, rather than pull up a bill, bring up one of those charts in your account?

like /u/zgrizz stated, I've never had a problem looking at my account/pulling a bill off the website. Do you have some kind of pop-up blocker that may be preventing the pdf of the bill from downloading?