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Darrone t1_jdikfo7 wrote

Most Optimum customers will not notice the difference given how low the standard of service is on a regular basis.


1mJustALurk3r t1_jdix18o wrote

I'm an IT consultant. It was not a good morning.


Shmeves t1_jdjkyq3 wrote

Working for an alarm company, same fun times here


Sun11fyre t1_jdit0xc wrote

No way didn’t realize it was vandalism, not cool


Darrone t1_jdituvm wrote

So conspiracy nutjob or contractor pulling a 'its my first day..."


Gooniefarm t1_jdj2126 wrote

It's scary how easy it is to cripple internet service and other communication. One wrong move with an excavator or shovel can cut off millions of people.

Whoever did this needs to be held accountable. This might be a dumb kid vandalizing stuff, or it may be something far worse.


No-Ant9517 t1_jdjb7if wrote

my worry about infrastructure chokepoints is more the electrical grid and water systems than internet tbh. internet will degrade quite a bit before it actually breaks for real


Jeepdog539 t1_jdjbjjs wrote

So Optimum is a power company now?

>"Optimum says restoration efforts will continue until service returns for all impacted, and as of Friday evening, several thousand customers had their power restored."

Or, more likely, it's just News12 being News12.


pgm_01 t1_jdjyk6l wrote

They used the Eversource template to write the cable story.


thunderdome180 t1_jdjnq75 wrote

I just switched to frontier. I get 1000 up and 1000 down speeds for $65 a month. I actually get 850 up and 850 down on average. They ran the fiber from my condo to the pole in about a half an hour. No installation fees. The frontier guy said that ct will be 100% fiber by the end of the year. Check to see if you can make the switch. I have no complaints. Appointments for new service are about a month and a half out though..


frissonFry t1_jdk6br6 wrote

>The frontier guy said that ct will be 100% fiber by the end of the year.

That's not possible. There are many places with underground power and comm lines. They're not getting fiber anytime soon. I speak from personal experience.


thunderdome180 t1_jdk6x4a wrote

I worked in the field as well. Idk how they are doing it but thats what the installation guy said. 100% residential maybe idk. The guy came to my condo ran about 200 ft of fiber to the pole. Drove down the rode to a different pole to terminate everything and it was done. Idk why im being downvoted. Fuck it, if you want to pay for optimum or comcast go for it.


thunderdome180 t1_jdk84rm wrote

Maybe the guy was exaggerating with 100% by the end of the year or I heard him wrong but they are working towards that number and it should be complete in a few years. The progress is definitely showing and it is the best residential internet service I have ever had at a very reasonable price. Its overkill for my internet usage but i ll take it.


nsfdrag t1_jdmf636 wrote

A lot of companies claim fiber when the fiber is just running to the drop and it's copper to the house.


frissonFry t1_jdoh133 wrote

The GoNetSpeed coverage ends at both ends of my street, but doesn't cover anything in the middle because of underground lines. In that short distance they could still offer 1Gbs to everyone on my street if they were allowed to tap into the underground copper but if I had to guess, they can't do that because of line ownership. It's all a bunch of bullshit.


mrw1986 t1_jdmxhgj wrote

Frontier is much better than Optimum. I currently have both (two different houses) and my Frontier service is infinitely better. For the record, I have gigabit fiber at both locations.


NE_Golf t1_jdkpeg1 wrote

Frontier. A joke. They were running 30 days for repair call to my house for a copper service (POTS) call.

I couldn’t imagine having to wait that long for an outage restore for broadband access..


Phantastic_Elastic t1_jdm60sp wrote

The article says they had restored service already, in the same day


NE_Golf t1_jdmf5sq wrote

I’m referring to my service call that took 30 days to fulfill