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TFA-DF8 t1_jec01t0 wrote

Im hoping to see less trump 2024 flag, signs and bumper stickers.


Pruedrive t1_jec4bq2 wrote

No.. stop being silly.


DavidDVDdivaD OP t1_jec4t8n wrote

7 CT residents were charged over January 6th.

It won't be widespread but a couple assholes could get together pull something small off.

edit: and Fox News is suggesting there will be violence


KrustyButtCheeks t1_jec76cw wrote

They’ll try to ban more books because that really works out well


Rustygaff t1_jec1ox4 wrote

Trump is finished regardless of what the pundits say. On the other hand, I believe this case in New York, is nothing more than a bullshit fishing expedition.


DavidDVDdivaD OP t1_jec3h73 wrote

They got Al Capone for tax evasion.

Michael Cohen went to jail for his part in this and he was acting on orders of Individual 1 aka Trump.


PuzzleheadedCorgi933 t1_jec72gp wrote

Bragg just woke up the sleeping giant. Trump will definitely be the nominee. Bragg will go down as the best gift to the GOP party. The White Devil (Soros) will not win.


AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_jec89kg wrote

There was a group of knobs who would drive around Hartford honking for a while after the 2020 election. I’m sure that half dozen or so will be unhappy enough to make Facebook posts in between sharing minion memes.


realbusabusa t1_jec3fsr wrote

Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up! 😆


Knineteen t1_jecj7ut wrote

Hopefully we’ll get more abortion. The numbers haven’t been looking too good recently.


2PlenTiful4U t1_jecb0hk wrote

Terrorists attack high profile targets.An irrelevant state that is already a shit stain on America has nothing to worry about.

Relax OP.


Prudent-Ball2698 t1_jece4d1 wrote

No, they don't burn down cities and loot businesses like other individuals


AdHistorical7107 t1_jechsnn wrote

You're right. They just storm government buildings and try to stop an election....


Prudent-Ball2698 t1_jecik59 wrote

So since .05% do something awfully stupid that means the rest of the 99% will? Kinda dumb thinking if you ask anyone who understands hoe the world works


AdHistorical7107 t1_jecirkl wrote

You said those folk don't burn down buildings and stuff. I'm agreeing with you. They storm capitols....

You're calling me dumb for agreeing with you? So then you must be dumb too....


Prudent-Ball2698 t1_jecjhjp wrote

I'm not villanizing all dems for how the radicals acted, but we have to agree both sides have radicals and most people like me either don't care what happens regarding Trump or whatever. I'm an independent but I'm not an ass


AdHistorical7107 t1_jecju7l wrote

Like I said. If agreeing with your comment before is dumb, then you must be dumb.

Don't pull that independent shit. You just won't admit you're a republican. Grow some balls.


Prudent-Ball2698 t1_jeck6ia wrote

Nah I do agree with alot of democratic policies and views, I just am very liberal about gun ownership. As I own about 13 regulars and 4 full auto


[deleted] t1_jec02g6 wrote



thriftshopmusketeer t1_jec0sa3 wrote

"Oh, he's now under criminal indictment? Well I was on the fence before but now I'm all in!"

-a deranged mind


[deleted] t1_jec21sg wrote



heinousanuz t1_jec2pzr wrote

Yea, because all this drama is totally what moderate Republicans (there are still a lot) and Independents want…


Pruedrive t1_jec4gms wrote

I think you vastly overestimate his popularity.


[deleted] t1_jec4uxf wrote



Pruedrive t1_jec66xt wrote

Which is what exactly?


[deleted] t1_jec79yx wrote



Pruedrive t1_jec8660 wrote

And this ability to break the law with what you view as impunity is a selling point to you? Hmmm..


[deleted] t1_jec8wn1 wrote



Pruedrive t1_jec976q wrote

Sounds like you are.


[deleted] t1_jec9cl4 wrote



Pruedrive t1_jecaekd wrote

My reading skills are quite fine dear, thank (you) for your concern.. I think you need to work on your communication skills, among other deficiencies.