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UhaRugger1 t1_jb7lshk wrote

Yeah, I live in the south currently under county government and it's a shit show. The money in the south end of the county ends up in the north end primarily. The south end is where all the tourists are. The north end is farms. In the south end we don't even have all our residential roads paved, no streetlights (unless a homeowner pays for it), no sidewalks, our services are atrocious and incredibly underfunded. People here complain any time someone brings up incorporation, they don't want "big government". But then in the same breath complain about how we have no drainage and can't get massive flooding issues fixed. I have zero desire to live in a county run area ever again.


Nyrfan2017 t1_jbljjct wrote

What’s the difference of having bad elected officals in a county and a city ??? It’s all in the people that are voted in the issue isn’t the county system it’s the people that get elected