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[deleted] t1_itq5olq wrote

Reply to comment by Pan1cs180 in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren

Ok, so every data source agrees that pitts are responsible for the majority of dog deaths in the US. This is backed up by my close friend who has treated thousands of animal attacks at a SF pediatric hospital. Want to guess which breed of dog she will never buy after treating 16 years of bleeding or dead kids?

So data shows they are dangerous. Anecdotally they are dangerous. And yet because the research isn’t reliable enough you think we should just ignore it? Pass. It’s a breed we created, we can let it die off.


Pan1cs180 t1_itq6wmr wrote

> And yet because the research isn’t reliable enough you think we should just ignore it?

These specific reports from are full of poor extremely methodology, unfounded assumptions and intentionally unaccounted for variables, and for those reasons it should absolutely be ignored, yes.

The goal of the authors was not to determine what breed of dog is responsible for the most fatalities, it was to prove that pitbulls are the breed of dog responsible for the most fatalities. They aren't starting from a null hypothesis in order to find out something they don't know. They're starting with the 'truth' and trying to find reasons that support that truth. If it doesn't support it, its not valid and the experiment fails. This makes their reports scientifically useless.


[deleted] t1_itq7bhv wrote

Lol ok


Pan1cs180 t1_itq7i79 wrote

I understand you have no response and I accept your concession.


[deleted] t1_itq95u4 wrote

Na, just don’t really care that much. You’re massively invested in pitts for some reason, and I just want a safer society. I’ll let you do you.

Thankfully pitts are on the decline in the US and abroad. Hopefully in a couple generations we let our mistake breed die off.


[deleted] t1_itq9eos wrote



[deleted] t1_itq9vqd wrote



[deleted] t1_itqa2xe wrote



[deleted] t1_itqb4zs wrote



[deleted] t1_itqbxls wrote



[deleted] t1_itqcon6 wrote



AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_itt32p0 wrote

This is what every think tank does. They work backwards from the result they want.