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TheLonelyOctober OP t1_it2zkoy wrote

Yeah I completely forgot about Halloween. We'll be in the theatre district, close to Times Square. Public transit is out of the question unfortunately. Our friend deals with mobility as well as respiratory issues so we're bringing along a wheelchair and his portable oxygen. Normally I would just drive into New Haven and take the train into Grand Central. I just feel like driving is more comfortable for everyone in this case. Public transit is hectic even for able bodied people. He's really been looking forward to this and he rarely gets out to events so we all just really want to ensure that it's enjoyable for him.


WonderChopstix t1_it3nopo wrote

Just build in tons if time. I go to and from Hartford area and I would give 4 hours... probably takes 3 but if you have a deadline then be conservative. Or even more time and just grab food. The further away you can park the others said come down the west side ( but monitor Google and waze you never know accidents or Yankees game). And then park as comfortably you guys feel toward the west side. Once you past 10th Ave it could be backed up.

Also keep in mind SUVs are more money in a garage. Not sure what you have.

Have fun!!!! And bring umbrellas in car in case.