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Redd1t_Sucks2 t1_iqqrvdx wrote

Ned Lamont is the best governor the state has had in decades. Enjoy wet noodle Bob Stefanowski losing in November.


sjsmac t1_iqqrz5w wrote

Please provide a detailed list of his crimes. Thanks.


TCPottery t1_iqqs7le wrote

FFS, why must some people be so... MAGA?

TRY living in a GOP state and you'll see why good people are fleeing for normalized environments such as Connecticut.


[deleted] t1_iqqsu2k wrote

Lol just drop this with no explanation. Outrage is so hip among all you MAGA freaks. Every political opponent belongs in prison. Sounds dystopian but this is the world the former guy created.


djdeforte t1_iqqszxi wrote

Op is just a bottom feeding Troll.


kikyto t1_iqqunhq wrote

It’s like the comments on his Instagram. Someone once commented how he should be tried like in the Nuremberg trials for covid restrictions...


jules13131382 t1_iqqw90p wrote

Ned Lamont is awesome. I’m voting a straight Democratic ticket this time around.


bridget0524 t1_iqqz1gw wrote

All I can say is consistently throughout the pandemic I would look at the numbers statewide and always felt proud of our state and the way Ned Lamont handled things. He has my vote.


coolducklingcool t1_iqr4b98 wrote

Don’t feed the troll, folks. Just scroll on by. If OP actually wanted discourse, they’d provide rationale and actually reply to the comments.


Blastoid84 t1_iqr7q2q wrote

Meanwhile DJT has clearly broken the law multiple times and tried to have this country taken by force when he lost a fair election by a mob of fools.

OP (aka Corporal Fool) needs to take their looser mentality over to an R state and waddle in their sorrow of their dear leader's constant losses and embarrassments.


Jaybone56 t1_iqr80yb wrote

I would of liked to see a little better support for our nursing homes but don't get me wrong hes no Cuomo who covered up deaths. But overall I'm proud of our soon to be re elected Governor and I'm a Republican


Crixxxxxx1 t1_iqrc8mq wrote

LOL. You’re so mad he’s going to win by a landslide.


xxjonfenxx t1_iqs0lzs wrote

Considerably more. The roads are better, there are more state and city parks, where I live there are a ton of things that the town does like carnivals and stuff which my 2 little ones love, and the hiking here is really good. I also have 2 daughters and I’ll be damned if they get caught up in that abortion law crap when their older.


noseboy1 t1_iqsg21q wrote

I liked Molloy but I understand I'm a minority in that shrug. I'm not big into the political scene but all of the transit programs he started are something that have had a direct positive impact in my life.


MysteriousHunter3897 t1_iqsi4u6 wrote

I saw this post with 50 comments and no upvotes. I just had to see what people were saying 😭😂


mkt853 t1_iqt3564 wrote

Well half of this country wants a Christofascist state complete with dictator that controls everything. You can think what you want about Democrats, but at least they aren't advocating for the country to be Nationalist Christians a.k.a. Nat-Cs like Republicans are.


Jonmarc56 t1_iqtehev wrote

For what exactly? To my knowledge Lamont hasn’t done anything criminal. More far right wing lies. You obviously have no idea what it takes to be sent to prison. Can you say biased?


[deleted] t1_iqtp5xy wrote

Ok let’s not pretend like this whole thing of calling for politicians we don’t like to be arrested didn’t start with trump talking about locking up Hillary for her emails. He made this kind of rhetoric mainstream and you know it.


Giants6 t1_iqtqp21 wrote

Ct crime is out of control. Nice Ned needs to go.


Best-Raise-2523 t1_iqtyu68 wrote

I personally love the ‘attack’ add where Lamont yells “NOW COSTA HAS TO DELIVER THE GOODS”. I’ll vote for Ned just for the theater.


mikemdp t1_iqu029p wrote

It is SO heartening that (1) nobody here had time for OP's nonsense and that (2) OP ran wee-wee-wee all the way home when confronted with the truth.


eisenfell78 OP t1_iqvflpq wrote

landslide victory noun an overwhelming victory in an election

Neddy doesn't have that. He didn't in the last election.


Impossible_Watch7154 t1_iqzvjwi wrote

The GOP today or maga party is fascist. Including every 'republican' running for public office.


Impossible_Watch7154 t1_ir06ctz wrote

Look at the 10 points of fascism

The features of Fascism are:1. Antagonism to democracy

  1. Opposition to socialism

  2. Glorifying the nation

  3. Adoring the purity of race

  4. Justifying war

  5. Diffusion of aggressive nationalism

  6. Deifying the pas

t8. Indoctrination of ideologies through arts, literature and education

  1. Military dictatorship

  2. Destruction of political rivals


eisenfell78 OP t1_ir0ru7n wrote

I don't know any conservative that isn't pro democracy. I know plenty of liberals that are. Left 1, Right 0

Any smart person should oppose socialism. It has never benefit any country or persons not in power. Left 1, Right 0

I love my country. Liberals love their woke bullshit. Something both sides can be tagged with. Left 2, Right 1

Every person, regardless of color or race us equal. Trying to tag a vast minority and push that to a whole party is rather foolish and immature. There is only party that is actively pushing one race over another instead of promoting unity. Left 3, Right 1

Both sides have justified war in their time. As of the last few presidents, more democrat ones have started or increased war then republican. Left 4, Right 1

Don't see either side pushing nationalism. Unless you count not wanting a world goverment. So we'll call this one a wash. Left 4, Right 1

Defying the past? Which side is actively erasing history? Not Republicans. We haven't torn down or hidden anything from the past. The past is there to learn from, good and bad so we can better. Not condem for whatever reason. Left 5, Right 1

I only know one party indoctrination anyone. It isn't the left. Left 6, Right 1

I don't know any conservative pushing or hoping for a military dictatorship. He'll most of us would rise up against it. Any side pushing for the removal of guns certainly would go for a military dictatorship ones it's citizens are disarmed Left 7, Right 1

While there is mountains of evidence that would push this either way, depending on your view, I'll give a picture to both. Left 8, Right 2.

Let that sink in...

Left has 8 points of fascism. The Right has 2.

And I'm the fascist? Lol.


Impossible_Watch7154 t1_ir4qf32 wrote

Once again- everything about our lives is based- our entire future in Connecticut and elsewhere on the 'Keeling Curve'. As long as that curve moves upward- the more trouble we will have in a worsening, dangerous climate. Even id it stops rising we have locked in decades or even centuries of unpleasant to disastrous outcomes.

Its really your choice to call me ignorant and ignore the laws of science, but you do so at your own risk- and those risks are growing daily.