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fatherfatpants t1_it7pia5 wrote

This has become increasingly common as the "main stream" christian churches lose members to evangelical one offs. Baptist, Congregational, low Episcopal, and all the others have been hemorrhaging membership for years. About 1/3 die, another 1/3 just kinda leave and go no where else, and the last 1/3 have gone to these kinds of places.

These kinds of Churches are where radicalization happen. Thankfully CT is near the bottom of the list of "most religious states" so these nutjobs should be more or less contained.


1234nameuser t1_it898qd wrote

Not true, I celebrate any holiday that comes with candy


[deleted] t1_it8djb9 wrote

I’m a fan of our yearly ham dinner day.


OMFGitsjessi t1_itc7d4x wrote

“Real Christians” hate when you point out that all of their holidays are actually just distortions and recreations of the pagan festivals that existed long before and which were stolen by the church in an effort to drive out other religions and practices.

“Only Christians celebrate Non-Christian holidays and call them their own”.


Paul_Thrush t1_it9pbru wrote

I'm sure they're both false. Easter is also a cultural holiday to many


pharm77 t1_itbim8g wrote

It's a wonder wall


BobbyRobertson t1_itcgp5e wrote

If you don't fast and hold a vigil on All Hallow's Eve are you even a Christian?


Unfair_Isopod534 t1_it7n47s wrote

"Real Christians..." Says one of the many christian churches...