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Mtsteel67 t1_iudow2k wrote

I'm sure there is some issue or issues that is near and dear to you.

So look at each person running in your district and then look up their voting record on those issues -(if they have already been in office) if they have not voted then you have check out their website or call them up and ask them what their stance is and how they would vote on it.

Ignore the ads, the flyers unless it has their voting record on it.

If I'm unclear about issues here is a example;

You feel strongly about supporting 2a, well look at the persons voting record on 2a issues, if they have voted for gun bans, gun control, etc... anything that strips you of your liberty and right then you vote for the other person.

Also look at the party involved does the main party support 2a or do they support stripping you of your rights? Because typical anyone in office just votes party line regardless of their background or personal feelings on the matter.

Not going to name names but one person in office currently -(who I know personally) voted against law enforcement -(and they are retired law enforcement) because it was the party line to vote against.

And before you ask, I refuse to vote for them and I like them. As I have told them to their face until they stop voting party line they will never get my vote.


jue_bacca OP t1_iue1b5f wrote

Great place to start, I’ve been starting there but get sucked in to way too much Clickbait articles
