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mynameisnotshamus t1_iudmw45 wrote

How retro are you wanting though?


yudkib t1_iudouxa wrote

I mean CT has really only had two plates - white on blue and the current gradient, aside from a fluke couple of years where it was blue on white apparently (no recollection of this). Retro antique plates won’t be a perfect copy of any of the white on blue because it will need to say antique. It’s just easier than a YOM plate, and is probably close enough for most people.


mynameisnotshamus t1_iudrv96 wrote

Wasn’t there are dark navy or black plate with white letters/numbers? I think there may have been a couple different blues used as well. Might need to do research later. There was also the old combo plates that were I think a maroonish color letter/number on white background?


Boring_Garbage3476 t1_iuefra4 wrote

Waaay back they were black. But that was like in the 40's. There's one at my grandmother's house. Commercial had red letters with a white plate for a while.


yudkib t1_iuduodi wrote

They’ve never had antique combination plates though. I am 99% sure both the antique and YOM plate exceptions are only for passenger vehicles.