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Quattro_power t1_isbi73c wrote

And in this case no handgun no kid getting shot eating his cheeseburger?


iamsce OP t1_isbn226 wrote



Quattro_power t1_isbpne4 wrote

Relevance stems from the fact that the type of weapon has little to nothing to do with what happened in either situation. It also completely ignores the fact that the majority of gun deaths involve handguns yet I never hear anyone saying things like let's ban handguns or this wouldn't have happened if we didn't have handguns

> In 2020, handguns were involved in 59% of the 13,620 U.S. gun murders and non-negligent manslaughters for which data is available, according to the FBI. Rifles – the category that includes guns sometimes referred to as “assault weapons” – were involved in 3% of firearm murders.


HelloMalt t1_iscyt52 wrote

"let's ban handguns" -reddit user quattro power


Quattro_power t1_isczgbj wrote

I’m arguing that banning specific weapons is pointless and solves nothing but okay?


iamsce OP t1_isetlya wrote

How many rounds can you fire with a handgun in 90 seconds? Banning non pistols works.


ccwilson84 t1_iske9e3 wrote

Most semi automatic handguns can fire at the same speed as rifles. They fire one bullet every time you pull the trigger. The speed is determined by how fast the trigger is pulled and has nothing to do with whether its a handgun or rifle.


HelloMalt t1_isd3cj3 wrote

so you think a more effective solution is to ban all the weapons? damn, everyone check out antifa o'commie over here.


Quattro_power t1_isd7940 wrote

Not surprised this is over your head - you’re lost. I’m not calling to ban anything. If anything I think some of the bans currently in place in CT go too far as it is, and this thread just highlights that


HelloMalt t1_isd8rpq wrote

hey man before you go acting all smug maybe you should check that you're not contradicting your own posts, capiche?