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Swede577 t1_iufaivt wrote

Naugatuck got 46k from it.

First Year Of CT Nip Bottle Surcharge Program Nets $46K For Naugatuck


0cclumency t1_iugdfjn wrote

Damn, that’s 920k nip bottles for a town of 31k people.


sblct t1_iugmib7 wrote

Yeah but just over 600 people having 4 a day. It’s a habitual thing for some of these folk to do it everyday


0cclumency t1_iugnvo8 wrote

That’s true. I don’t doubt that people drink that much, I’m just surprised at nip usage vs. a large bottle.


AquaNines t1_iuhpu8r wrote

It's probably a moderation technique. If they got the whole bottle they'd probably drink way more.


ImpossibleParfait t1_iuip9e0 wrote

Yeah as someone who used to really struggle with alcohol I only would buy "enough" for that day. If I bought a whole bottle, I would drink the whole bottle.


TofuTofu t1_iuh30b7 wrote

You'd think they'd move to half pints or something


btmc t1_iugmj76 wrote

Sounds about right for Naugatuck.


ctusa73 t1_iugugv2 wrote

Have you ever smelled the Tuck. My favorite tuck story was how people who grew up in naugatuck got into dope dealing. I mean people would move out of state and visit family and traffic drugs. The FBI busted a shit load. Guess how that helped. All the taxpaying chefs, construction workers, other highly specific jobs died. The cops and fbi took out the safe source, they jailed the regular suppliers who normally stayed under the radar, partly by good , yet safe. They mostly had professional jobs so they went to jail, or worse, and their customers, the towns, best friend, cousin. Uncle... Fed an addiction wherever they could and fucking died. Slow clap murder of hard working naugatuck by making your brother mother cousin best friend find a new dealer because the guy at the bar was hanging himself in jail who delivered your addiction safely.


brohammer65 t1_iuhjr6m wrote

That was Mayor Pete Hess buying all those nippers. Fucking drunk.