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On January 6th 2021 something much worse than the riot occurred, 147 Republicans in the House and Senate voted to turn America into a fascistic dictatorship by overturning the clear election results.

These people are traitors to our country. They attempted to treasonously end our system of free and fair elections and replace it with our government with an unelected ruler. These are the people who George Logan is choosing the affiliate and align himself with. I do encourage you to do your own research and I understand that it sounds absurd, because it is absurd that so many of our elected officials would do that. But it is what they did, and it is who George Logan has clearly sided with.


happyjammy123 t1_iuc41vi wrote

Well thank you for you're understanding that I prefer to find evidence of what you are saying and I also appreciate the fact we are able to engage into a civil discussion without name calling, that is much appreciated. I need to go to sleep now, have a goodnight