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BlkOwndYtFam t1_iuechi7 wrote

People that believe that our purchasing power being cut in half is due to a few price gouging corporations. Honestly, people that believe that codswallop will believe anything.


Mobile-Animal-649 t1_iueh2ao wrote

It feels to me like things are marked up and price gouged. Due to the price of gas? Bread is 5 bucks a loaf You kidding me?


BlkOwndYtFam t1_iuelbv8 wrote

Are you kidding ME? Milton Friedman wrote the literal book on what we're seeing right now and you just ignore it and blame Muh Corporations like an absolute commie stooge.


Mobile-Animal-649 t1_iuelgiu wrote

So a person wrote a book on it I see


BlkOwndYtFam t1_iuell1n wrote

Are you familiar with Milton Friedman? Possibly the most accomplished economist in history. No?


Mobile-Animal-649 t1_iuf0cb3 wrote

I had not heard of him. Thank you. I looked him up. I see your point. But the world is so so different now my friend. It’s a tough comparison


BlkOwndYtFam t1_iuf1eu6 wrote

I don't think the world is so different as you think. The same factors are at play now as then.


Mobile-Animal-649 t1_iuf3thv wrote

Did we have a small percentage of the country holding the majority of the money then? I ask honestly I find this educational and am not arguing so you know

This situation is getting to me bad at 15 bucks an hour

I just do t know what to do besides find another job and work even more really


BlkOwndYtFam t1_iuf5ucq wrote

I am but a humble black scientist, not an economist. Though nearly a third of my college credits were in economics. I don't know that the concentration of wealth, admittedly an issue, has an overwhelming affect on the fact that inflation is caused by monetary policy.

I was making $12 an hour working in a parking lot full time while going to college full time. If I could do it, literally anyone can.


Mobile-Animal-649 t1_iuhjpup wrote

It just seems to me that with so much of the wealth in America held by such a small percentage, that it would have a profound effect on inflation due to it not being circulated in our economy But What do I know

That wasn’t me that downvoted you