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Levlove t1_iuj1cj9 wrote

Reply to comment by ZombieIntrovert in Need some input by ZombieIntrovert

You can drive from the top of the state to the bottom in an hour, and other than the far rural Northwest and Northeast corners of the state you won’t find yourself far from civilization. Education overall is considered good when looking at the US as a whole. There are big wealth disparities between the rich towns and the poor towns, and education follows because the property taxes in the towns are what fund the school systems. Rich town = high taxes = highly funded school system. It’s easy if you picked an area to look into the school systems in different towns. I included a list of sundown towns in a comment further down where someone didn’t know the term. Some of the towns I nodded at, other ones I raised my eyebrows at because I am surprised. I think racism in general is certainly quieter up here than other states, and tends to be more systemic than personal. You won’t find people casually throwing around the N word, so a large part of the population doesn’t think it exists here.

The culture in the northeast is “kind but not nice”, as the saying goes. People here are often viewed as being cold and standoffish in comparison to just about anywhere else. We embrace it and you will see many jokes about just wanting to be left the heck alone. But people are genuinely kind - New England is the type of place where you can get a flat tire and someone will stop and change it for you without saying more than 5 words and just be on their way. It’s not personal, we’re usually just either too cold or too hot.

There’s a funny post on here from the past week that kind of lays out what each county in CT is like, I’ll see if I can find it and tag you. The state is super small in comparison to any other you have been in. Honestly, you might as well consider CT/MA/RI if you’re looking to come to the area.


ZombieIntrovert OP t1_iujefbr wrote

Thank you. You’ve been very helpful. The whole kind but leave me alone attitude is right up my alley lol