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tracirjda44 t1_itqi8fk wrote

Cause alot of the roadwork ppl dont know how to do patterns. They use to follow the mutcd. They just do what they want.


LizzieBordensPetRock t1_itqkajc wrote

We also can’t get cops for some of our work right now. It’s literally “we’ll let you know 24 hours before”. That helps us in planning almost zero.


RealFlyForARyGuy t1_itqp6p7 wrote

I love putting in hire requests for police details and then finding out morning of that no one filled it.

The best is when a sergeant drives by and asks why you don't have a police detail and that you now have to stop work for the day because you don't have one.....


LizzieBordensPetRock t1_itrc2jk wrote

And everyone loves a stop work. Like you can just pull an officer out of thin air, but hadn’t, just for fun.


Justagreewithme t1_itrvclf wrote

Most construction companies don’t give that much notice. A good half of them call an hour before to schedule an officer, in an effort to avoid late cancellation charge. That said, pretty much every department is short on officers. They are being mandated to work every week as it is, many don’t want to pick up private duty on on top of that.


LizzieBordensPetRock t1_itsj3ls wrote

We have to coordinate with drillers (do environmental work) and the coordinating is awful lately.


StankyDudeHoleDandy OP t1_itqjg9t wrote

Thanks for a legit answer, they should be fined by the DOT for improper practices. It makes everyone's life a living hell.


sweaterandsomenikes t1_itqustg wrote

Construction plans include traffic plans with proposed traffic patterns. Bad patterns including signage is a sign that a) someone isn’t following the proposed plan which means the inspection team should say something or b) bad traffic pattern design and someone on the field staff should recognize it and propose changes


FinnbarMcBride t1_itqjsff wrote

Its because everything is bid out based on lowest cost. So things like cops that aren't strictly necessary for safety at the construction site, just don't get hired anymore because they're too expensive


TreeEleben t1_itqogby wrote

I believe that having cops at road work sites is legally required?


sweaterandsomenikes t1_itque8a wrote

Hey y’all I work in construction. Towns have ordinances about whether they need their local police on sites. Most towns do because it’s free money for them. Most contracts will say you need a cop OR a certified Flagger. The lack of cops thing (that I’ve seen recently) is due to cops and state troopers numbers being low causing shortages in police able to actual do construction detail.


Kel4597 t1_itrrs14 wrote

This is the answer.

Departments statewide are having trouble filling their regular patrol shifts without ordering officers to work doubles, nevermind extra details on top of that.


FinnbarMcBride t1_itr82ae wrote

Agreed, that they're legally required, I'm just also wondering if they're not doing anything beyond what is minimally required by the contract


GHJ417 t1_itrrsn6 wrote

Where I live they had a “road work ahead” sign right where the road work was, creating a huge traffic block instead of a few hundred feet back.


matzillagorilla t1_itqvc28 wrote

Are you new here?


cascaderade t1_itt02l0 wrote

moved here from upstate NY a few months ago. not a huge fan so far lol. hopefully that changes


Chaos_Ice t1_ittp2kq wrote

It probably won’t. Moved here from the city and I hate it here with every fiber I own.


crispyboi33 t1_ittf0eq wrote

Unpopular opinion, cops don’t need to be at ~75% of roadwork to just sit in their car. They have better things to do or should enjoy their time off. And save taxpayers millions in overtime pay


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-Gaunter-O-Dimm t1_its5rmi wrote

Still waiting on a “BUMP AHEAD” sign on 691 East right when you go by the mall. It’s been close to a year


spacemanegg t1_itsezxy wrote

GPS on Route 9 has updated exit numbers and the "Old Exit" signs are (mostly) there but...the signs are not updated. What a mess.


Accomplished-Dream-1 t1_ittpnh1 wrote

I don't know if anyone from the DOT or local (town & city) know what it means to make a detour... For a road that is blocked the detour sign has you getting off onto another road and THAT IS IT!!!


I travel throughout Connecticut for my job and I experience this far too often.. Thankfully my gps saves me...


shockwave_supernova t1_itub51f wrote

The thing I hate the most is when they block off miles of road for one small section of work. This happens on route 2 sometimes, they’ll block off like 5 miles of road and there’s literally nothing happening in the entire stretch, not even a single person


GoOnNoMeatNoPudding t1_itrg2w6 wrote

I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s been like this for years in every corner of the state


jjsmind t1_itrrme2 wrote

Becoming . . . you must be new here.


PsyrusTheGreat t1_itt44dj wrote

The people who used to work on the road crew are now working at Amazon.


1JoMac1 t1_itthclh wrote

They've always had a fair shake of chaos in them. Every day of the commute is idyllic scenery past those "road work ahead" signs, that you know aren't for real (otherwise there'd be, well, work on the road ahead, but there never is), until the day it's a panic-driven stomp on the brake around the corner where people in reflective gear have inexplicably populated the area. Everyone keeps everyone around them on their toes, that way, one could figure


mkt853 t1_ittjbsd wrote

Always been this way. You're lucky to see a sign before hitting the line of traffic cones and big flashing yellow arrow.


pinktwillshirt t1_itqiu0h wrote

Look at the bigger picture - the state has had too much of a population influx explosion since covid and the current infrastructure is unable to handle it. It was already bad before covid.

I don't anticipate the traffic problems in 95 or the merrit go away at all, unless something generationally transformational is carried out


  1. Build a new highway or transit system
  2. Pay people to leave the state

Nyrfan2017 t1_itqjgvs wrote

  1. People learn to merge on highways not causing traffic to stop .
  2. When lanes are merging people stop moving to the merge lane to pass a car just to slow traffic up more

GoOnNoMeatNoPudding t1_itrfz34 wrote

The problem is congestion. Not people failing to merge properly.

You’d be accurate if traffic was ONLY at a standstill during on ramps, but traffic stretches for miles because of accidents and congestion lmao


johnsonutah t1_itr33fm wrote

Population has not exploded post covid. You perceive it to have exploded because traffic eased up during covid since everyone stayed home, and now it is back. Traffic has always been horrible in CT, especially Fairfield County.

The answer to the problem is solution #1 that you mentioned. We need generational infrastructure built, probably both a highway expansion and a vastly improved train system.


Warpedme t1_itslagd wrote

Housing stocks are literally at an all time low in CT because so many people moved here during COVID.

That changes nothing about you being 100% correct about CT needing a complete overhaul on highways, parkways and massive investment into public transit and making cities and towns more walkable/bikeable.


johnsonutah t1_itsrtjr wrote

Population in CT did not grow significantly last year or the year prior or the year prior. It’s been flat.

CT needs everything you just described + housing built in our cities and continued investment in them. Cities are where density is designed for, and they are economic powerhouses for a state. Problem is ct cities by and large suck and lack housing.