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Actonhammer t1_ir383s5 wrote

No ones excited about kamala Harris lol


SueBeee t1_ir3ghkm wrote

Speak for yourself


SlooperDoop t1_ir3h96d wrote

Id be excited to ask..."So, you've controlled the house, the senate, and the presidency for 2 years. Why haven't you passed reproductive rights and immigration reform?"


flatdanny t1_ir6d0rq wrote

Maybe you should ask Manchin, Sinema and the entire Republican party.


SlooperDoop t1_ir6nrm1 wrote

The point is that they can pass laws without any Republicans. So why haven't they? They could simply replace Roe v. Wade with a Hippa regulation, making abortion available in every state. No republican votes needed.


flatdanny t1_irg0oos wrote

You forgot to answer, why did your party take those human rights away from women in the first place?


[deleted] t1_ir38le9 wrote

Wouldn’t give a shit about any politician showing up, spouting some bullshit, then going back to Washington and making a shit ton off insider trading


Synapse82 t1_ir5arbr wrote

Exactly this. I don’t want to hear any politician flying here to speak their scripts.

I want to see them stand up in DC and announce they are making stock trading illegal for those in power to change the outcomes.


[deleted] t1_ir5ffh9 wrote

Then the work around, no direct stock purchases but lucrative kickbacks in some other form we aren’t wise to yet


Synapse82 t1_ir5fkix wrote

That’s fine. Make them work for it, not press a button overnight and cash out millions. Because those market drops also harm the rest of the population and investors,


Papa_Bearto2 t1_ir3d6dq wrote

I can’t think of a single politician I’d be excited to hear is visiting CT.


Pruedrive t1_ir3sn7m wrote

Where’s the third “who really gives a shit either way” option? Probably the most Nutmegger response if we are being honest.


TestOutrageous3928 t1_ir3e1x7 wrote

I don't get how anyone could like here in regards to her past and how she talks.


Affectionate-Bit-240 t1_ir4tlo1 wrote

Big difference between North & South Korea, but she still managed to screw that up


[deleted] t1_ir549s9 wrote

She was two blocks from my house like a year ago and no one in my city gave a shit lol


RetLeoSECT t1_ir3dt3j wrote

She's a dipshit.


TallStephen t1_ir3g6wu wrote

just like the rest of the republicans and democrats


Few-Information7570 t1_ir6bhbh wrote

Yeah but usually someone likes those dipshits. One way or another.

Harris is a none starter. I don’t think anyone likes her.


flatdanny t1_ir6d8fn wrote

>I don’t think anyone likes her.

Especially women haters and racists.


Few-Information7570 t1_ir6e443 wrote

Or I dunno if they were a victim of Harris’s off kilter application of criminal justice. I mean if your innocent but she kept you in jail for example.


cryptocratic7 t1_ir4vqmn wrote

The border czar should head down to the south border since she has now been to Europe (first time by the way).


turtlebarber t1_ir4v27x wrote

Didnt know she was coming. Still don’t really care. I couldn’t care less about any politician though. They’re not celebrities, they’re servants of the people. They work for us, to represent us. Why would I get excited about someone doing their job?


cvspharmacy2023 t1_ir3fdj0 wrote

To be honest I don’t really know who she is
