Submitted by Lyrehctoo t3_yipi5t in Connecticut

Just before 5, some teenagers knocked on my door and when I opened it that's what he said. Not "trick or treat" "you got candy?". I said "not yet. My porch light isn't even on." Is that not the universal sign anymore?

What time are y'all heading out trick or treating? I usually have my kids wait until it at least starts to get dark.



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DuckWaffles t1_iujzu4y wrote

We bought over 100 full sized bars and haven't had a single person yet, consider yourself lucky.


Lyrehctoo OP t1_iuk0tin wrote

Nice! I wish I could afford to give out full size! We get a lot of kids here. Hope you got a kind you like in case not too many come


Frankie_Wilde t1_iuk6l3m wrote

Costco sells full size at a comparable price to the little jawns.


LizzieBordensPetRock t1_iuk9r5o wrote

Bought our candy at Costco this year and way less trick or treaters than usual. Got a huge extra bag, but will probably just use it for Girl Scouts or something.


TonyDildoni t1_iukao28 wrote

Whoaaaaaa duke of earl over here 👈🏼 🤴🏼!!


Frankie_Wilde t1_iuk6qys wrote

Made this mistake the first two years after moving into a new neighborhood. We bought one 30 box this year. Was going to try and hand out last year's too but it's expired 😖


insertcleverthought t1_iujzoef wrote

We have a group of toddlers that were by far the earliest trick or treaters and we started at around 5:30


GlitterfreshGore t1_iuk9rds wrote

Yeah I saw a few little ones while it was still barely light out., probably safer for them while it’s still light, and the whole toddler bedtime thing. When mine were young we’d go out earlier too.

After the little kids passed through it got quiet for a bit, then some of the bigger kids started their rounds


sld06003 t1_iuk7186 wrote

I thought the porch light was pretty universal, but my wife hadn't heard that


GlitterfreshGore t1_iuka5ol wrote

I thought so too!

I turned the porch light on and about 15 mins later I realized it had turned off, I forgot it’s motion sensor/timed (it was recently replaced) So like every 15 mins I go outside and wave my arms around to activate the porch light lol

I was like “if the kids don’t see the light they won’t come to the door!”


ITeachMunchkins t1_iujzek1 wrote

When I was young, we always waited until it was dark. While I don’t have kids, I’ve noticed kids on my street typically start coming around 6:30.


OG24_Jack_Bauer t1_iuk3wi2 wrote

Here really young kids with parents start at dusk, everyone else waits for dark.


nkw1004 t1_iuk7kth wrote

I was at work and checked my camera and there was like 5 kids looking into the mail slot on my front door, like what the fuck?


Pancrat t1_iuk0h3c wrote

Some kids aren’t taught about the front light thing I bet. My neighborhood has a huge wave of kids bust out every home with their family before 6 o clock. So for some reason, people are trick or treating in the day light. But if someone says to me you got candy I will forever answer no. You got candy is a nope situation.


Lyrehctoo OP t1_iuk1juu wrote

Also, my first trick or treater tonight came up just as I was coming out to sit on the step. He saw my kids heading out. When he got to me he said "where's the candy?" But he was like 4. Not 16. I laughed . His mom said from behind him "what do you say?" And he said "please?" "thank you?". So I asked him "what are you out doing right now?" "Walking!" OMG he was so cute!


Pancrat t1_iuk6ewb wrote

So maybe they’re not even teaching trick or treat lol. Very different from where’s the candy… please


Lyrehctoo OP t1_iuk11jg wrote

After, I thought I should have said "yes" and shut the door. They're just taking a survey, right? JK. That definitely would have gotten my pumpkins smashed


beanie0911 t1_iuk7pyn wrote

Wow, I’ve never seen anyone respond to a trick or treater this way. Half the kids that come up where I live are too shy to even say anything, and just reach in for one little piece. Do they get candy at your house?


LostSoil5179 t1_iukbsxp wrote

We had some with the light off too, got a baby sleeping and a loud dog. Not a fun combo lol


KwazykupcakesB99 t1_iuk26lj wrote

My street doesn't have street lights and nearly every house has a long drive way. I wish kids would start trick or treating after school when it's still light out. I'm always worried about an accident.


werdnak84 t1_iuk50c6 wrote

"Yo! Gimme candy n' shit!"

A lot of families opt to take their kid trick or treating during the day because it's safer. An outdoor event near me had their's start a 1 PM.


LizzieBordensPetRock t1_iujviq0 wrote

6, but my kids were chomping the bit at 4


Lyrehctoo OP t1_iujygdm wrote

Mine were asking as soon as they walked in the door from school


tobiasrfunke t1_iujwq2z wrote

So like, you had candy, but you didn't give it out because they didn't follow your rules? Feels like I've seen this episode of Curb.


Lyrehctoo OP t1_iujyapi wrote

It was still in my car in the shopping bag so my kids (or myself) wouldn't get to it. I wasn't ready and found it rude to 1. Be so early 2. Light wasn't on. 3. Asked like that


afleetingmoment t1_iuk8tdi wrote

Exactly! The thing about "rules" is everyone has their own.


nahmatey t1_iuk9rra wrote

What town / city? In 20 years living in Farmington I’ve never gotten a single trick or treater


toadsb4hoes t1_iuk3fin wrote

I started at like 5:30 with my kids.


joshualori1 t1_iuk4zx2 wrote

I have no idea what rules they have for Halloween anymore haven’t had trick or treaters in 20 yrs live on dead end road with hill kids too lazy to walk up here for couple houses


MissKrueger t1_iuk5xyd wrote

We got our first ones at 6pm.

Which honestly seemed late. When I was a kid we started as soon as we got home from school. But that was a different state. And many years ago.


Shellsbells821 t1_iuk7ydw wrote

I would have just said "no " and closed the door.

That being said, we never get any kids.
