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[deleted] t1_itak6re wrote

Triggered over a reddit community disagreeing with you. Totally normal adult behavior. Touch grass.


Crixxxxxx1 t1_ital7l0 wrote

Yeah, I’m sure people’s opinions on law enforcement is high on the list of reasons to move out of state. Not taxes, job opportunities/work status, quality of life, family concerns….


sneaky_sauce t1_itarmr1 wrote

They literally shut the entire town of Bristol down for the day and let the students out early.. media outlets from all over ct, mass, And nbc headquarters had coverage on the officers funerals.. my entire fb page has been flooded with people honoring their memory for the last week … and showing respect for the officers who lost their lives so tragically


mkt853 t1_itawrne wrote

Connecticut is gaining population, so obviously when you say "everyone is leaving the state in droves" you are lying. Don't be a liar.


coolducklingcool t1_itbg6kr wrote

I wasn’t a fan of what I was seeing on here either. I’m not what they like to call a ‘bootlicker’ and I think police systems need significant reform and oversight. BUT I can see the tragedy here for these two individual men that lost their lives. By all accounts, they were the kind of cops we need more of, not less of.

But regardless, this is literally Reddit. It is absolutely ridiculous to assume that the posts and comments in this sub represent the entire state of nearing 4 million people. Relax. 🙄


Budakaman t1_itbqtds wrote

Bro these people came to help, do their job, shits wack. They had no idea how bad it was going to be. Rest in Peace. We're still stuck here in this hell, i feel like they got the better end of the deal. This planet is shit because of humans and our imperfections. We are all suffering.


Djali-Babs t1_itbrohw wrote

Lmao everyone’s got an opinion. Internet 1.0 when everyone kept their opinions to themselves was peak


houle333 t1_itbt3dz wrote

Hold up. We just lived through a once a century pandemic where the police universally refused to take the smallest of steps to care about their fellow humans, routinely walking into any and all businesses maskless before the vaccine was developed then refusing to get the vaccine when it was made available to them first.

And then you think the rest of us are supposed to give a fck about them.

Fck that. Fck them. And fck you