Submitted by AdHistorical7107 t3_yg1bee in Connecticut

And I know it's not likely, but GOP has been loving to bitch about the executive orders by lamont. God forbid there is a red wave, whose willing to bet stefanowski will attempt to do an executive order limiting abortion....



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CT_Patriot t1_iu6gxwk wrote

By the way ....

Abortion rights in Connecticut have been codified into state statute for more than 30 years.


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iu6hecw wrote

You republicans will find a way to violate it.


G3Saint t1_iu6s5lk wrote

True. but it's kind of like Stefadumbski sayng he's going to eliminate 200 taxes but when it is pointed out he can't do that with the legislature approval, he said he do it by executive order and wpuld wait for a lawsuit to stop it.... no different here.


2020sucks86 t1_iu6dq21 wrote

If you don’t like your non-preferred party having certain powers you shouldn’t want your preferred party having the those powers.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu7rab3 wrote

Republicans don't care about being consistent.

They said Obama golfed too much.

Fucking hypocrite losers.


2020sucks86 t1_iuaq59z wrote

If you think hypocrisy is reserved only for the right then you aren’t paying close enough attention. Every single one of them, regardless of party, will say ANYTHING to get elected/reelected.


CT_Patriot t1_iu6gkot wrote

Some "executive" orders can violate why there is legislator.

No matter what party, let the people have a voice and say on any new laws or repealing old ones.


Mental_Grapefruit726 t1_iu6ik3w wrote

More states (preferably CT cuz y know I live here) really should start embracing referendums.


BlkOwndYtFam t1_iu8k864 wrote

I doubt it. Also Bob has no chance. Like zero.

So just chill.


happyjammy123 t1_iu6o6yh wrote

Ah yes the infinite possibilities of hypotheticals


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu7r4kx wrote

Republicans were in the Senate this week calling for Lamont to violate the law by issuing an executive order permitting guns in state forests to, and get this, defend against attacks. Black bears obviously.


CT_Patriot t1_iu83zao wrote

Oh no, guns... Oh wait, isn't there something about "arm" somewhere?

Let me see ..gee, I know I heard it from something important

Oh I got it...In the Constitution...the Second Amendment.

And the phrase "shall not be infringed" is in that Amendment.

Therefore, the Republican Senators of the State of Connecticut are asking the Governor of the state to follow the Constitutional law of the United States.

If it went to SCOTUS, the Republicans would win. See rulling on restrictive firearms laws in New York that were unconstitutional.


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iu87mto wrote

Oh yea. Forgot your brain and dick so small you need a gun to make yourself feel better


CT_Patriot t1_iu87wdf wrote

Beats waiting for police to arrive. I will survive while you are dead.


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iu8805y wrote

Keep telling yourself that....


CT_Patriot t1_iu884pg wrote

I do and sleep knowing I can defend myself and my family. Nothing wrong with that

You can wait for the police. Oh wait. .your party defunded them, so good luck.👍


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_iu88ftu wrote

Meanwhile the adults have to worry about the next school shooting. POS.


CT_Patriot t1_iu89s2r wrote

Yeah, everything is about some deranged idiot who somehow got their hands on a firearm. Maybe stop the establishment of drugging people with mental issues and find the root cause, lock up firearms from anyone who is unstable.

Next you'll be bitching about the fatalities caused by a car or truck.

Which, by the way are NOT a constitutional right, but a privilege.


bramletabercrombe t1_iu9jtpm wrote

I get the sense even a bear would be able to wrestle a gun away from you...


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu8wqur wrote

It must be so cool to read a document written 250 years ago with the mentality of a tiny baby who is oblivious to context or depth, without reading significant developments in 250 years of American jurisprudence.

Just as a narrowly tailored time place manner restrictions on government-owned property does not touch or offend the First Amendment, it does not concern the Second either. Not sure if you can understand that over the sound of your childish screeching.


BlkOwndYtFam t1_iu8kejv wrote

Black bears have been a problem for a while. They're attacking people now. It should not get to the point that one kills a person before something is done. At the very least, please just allow a limited number of hunting tags for them each year. I get it man, bears are ADORABLE, but CT has become a reservoir for them due to lack of predation and their numbers need to be culled.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu9dzw3 wrote

Blah blah blah.

If anything, we are the problem, having encroached on the bears natural territory.

There was a single bear attack.

Show me the reports signed off by the state biologists saying there are too many bears and that an open season is the only a recommended solution.

I keep seeing people say that the state biologists support this. The ones I have spoken to in person do not. Still waiting to see a report from any state agency saying that this is the correct approach.

I don't think it's too much to ask to approach this from a science-based standpoint, instead of based on our fee fees, blood lust to shoot animals, and unreasonable fear of puppy dog-like black bears.


BlkOwndYtFam t1_iu9e76i wrote

You're lying. And probably crazy. But definitely stupid.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_iu9juws wrote

Uhhh, okay what part do you think I'm lying about? Certainly not the part where you haven't provided an official source saying that a bear season is recommended by science.


BlkOwndYtFam t1_iu9kvmr wrote

You're a whacko and I'm not engaging with you. I edited my comment. Now get bent you psycho.